The walk

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Liam's POV

Why did I offer myself to walk Lena home? I mean I want to, I want to make sure she gets home okay. But Harry had that covered. Besides I could tell he wanted this time to spend it solemnly with just her. Why did I tag along. I didn't even think about it. I always think about stuff, always.

"Okay so I just finished saying bye to everyone. I think I'm ready to be escorted down the block." Lena said as she giggled. Gawsh! Her giggle was soo amazing. It was cute and it made you want to chuckle along with her. It made me happy. I could tell it was genuine. I grabbed her hand and we intertwined fingers once again. I don't know why but I just felt so comfortable around her. Our hands seemed to fit just perfectly with each others.

As I grabbed her hand she looked into my eyes and smiled then she leaned in and kissed my cheek. It was amazing. I started to blush. I would of never thought that a kiss on the cheek would ever make me blush.

She called for Harry to hurry, that it was getting darker outside and that she didn't want us to walk back in the dark. Especially with the potential of a crazy stalkers or paparazzi lurking outside.

I really like how she's so thoughtful. I just also love the fact that she really didn't know who we were... and I cannot believe she thought we were the wanted. It was really funny.

"Hey. Sorry, Zayn was taking forever in the bathroom. Ready to go Lena?"

"Yup. That's why I called for you to hurry up, silly." She said this with a huge smile. Her eyes were glistening and then she play punched him. I don't know why but I really wish that that was me who made her smile like that and made her eyes twinkle.

Harry's POV

I cannot believe that Liam is actually tagging along. Have I not made it clear I want time alone with Lena?

I was walking down the stair when I saw Liam grab Lena's hand and then Lena kiss Liam on the cheek. I froze. I couldn't move from the top of the stairwell. After a few minutes I finally recovered and walked down.

Lena play punched me at something I said. She also smiled, Gawsh, she has a mesmerising smile. I really like it. Her eyes twinkle like little starts every time she smiles. I really like it. I opened up the door and felt a wisp of cold air blow so I wrapped my arm around Lena's shoulder to keep her kinda warm. She leaned her head against my shoulder and then kissed my cheek. We were just walking down the stairs outside and I could see Lena was shivering. I also noticed that Liam wasn't wearing a jacket and I was. So this was the perfect moment to make a move. I took my jacket off and placed it on Lena's shoulder.

"Here, this should help."

"Thank you, But now you're going to be cold... so no thank you."

She tried taking of the jacket but I just placed it back on her shoulders. "I insists. Besides my muscles can keep me warn." I said winking at her. She just smiled and said okay.

We made some more small talk as we walked down the block.

I think Lena saw me shiver becase she put her arm around mine and held my hand. She made it so that my arm was covered by the jacket. She looked at me and smile again. Gawsh! I loved her smile. She then turned and replied to something Liam had said.

When we got to her door I let her hand go and Liam walked her a bit foward while I stayed behind giving them some space to say goodbye. When Liam was finished Lena wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. This made me jealous... even though it really shouldn't of had. After all we were just friends and I had just met her.

I walked up to Lena as Liam walked to where I was standing and I immediately wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around my neck. She whispered "Thank you for everything. You're way different than what I first thought about you." I could feel her lips curl up to a smile against my ear. and then she kissed my ear. I pulled her hair back and tucked it behind her ear and whispered "You're welcome love. Anything for you. and then kissed her ear also." She pulled away and smiled. "So Lena, you're really fun to hang with. And I know the lads really enjoyed getting to know you, so maybe we can hang out again sometime?" I ran my hand through my hair and smiled to the floor and then looked in to her eyes as I said this.

"Yeah, I'd love to. Just tell me when."

"Umm.... how about you give me your number and I'll text you? I mean it'd be a lot faster than me walking the 2 minute walk down to your flat." I told her smiling.

"Hmmm... okay. Lame line but I'll give it to you anyways. Here give me your phone or your hand and a sharpie."

I thought that her writting her number on my hand would be fun and rather cute so I gave her a sharpie and she grabbed my hand.

She wrote her number and her name and signed it with a heart.

I smiled and told her thanks. Then I leaned in and kissed her on the corner of her lips. She was shocked at first but then she smiled and put her hand up to where I had kissed her.

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