Something I have to tell you...

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Lena's POV

I was outside sitting by the apple tree trying to clear my head. Nothing was helping. So I decide to just try and process what had happened.

I heard someone shout my name but paid no attention. "Hey! I brought paper and markers, so lets talk."

"Madi! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt you and Niall."

"No worries, it's okay. Now tell me what's wrong? Why do you seem like you're on the burgee of crying?"

"Can we talk about you first? Please? I really don't want to talk about it right now."

"Okay. Well what about me?"

"NIALL! That's what. Hahaaaa"

"Hmm okay, well long version or short?"

"LONG! Omg, Madi, if you don't just tell me already."

"Hahaaa... okay, sorry. So this morning after Louis woke up and started screaming for El Niall started crying, he asked me to go with him, anywhere, just to get away. I could see tears running down his cheeks so I agreed. We headed upstairs to my room and sat on the bed. At first we were just talking. We talked about everything really. Like did you know he's in love with Justin Bieber? Well then we got on the topic of love. I have no idea how, but we did. He told me about a past relationship he had had and how she just ended up breaking his heart and since then he's been really careful about whom he falls for. Then we talked some more and since it was really cold we decided to cuddle. He wrapped his arms around me and held me really closed to him. Then I looked up to see his eyes he was looking at me and he leaned down and kissed me, we kissed for what seemed for ages. It was AMAZING! And then you walked in and I noticed that you looked awful and came out here to do pros and cons lists with you."

"Awwwwwww! You guys! I cannot believe I didn't think of it before! You and Niall would make an amazingly adorable couple."

"Hahaa... thanks. But I don't know. I really hope he actually likes me. I really like him. Now pleaseeeee tell me what's wrong."

"Okay, well, remember how I told you that I might be falling for Harry? Well I might also be falling for Liam..."

"What? But I saw you sucking faces with Harry. I thought you'd made up your mind."

"Yeah, so did I. But Liam and I also kinda kissed today a... really amazing passionate kiss."

"Wow... umm... well, looks to me like you have to make a decision. Who kissed better?"

"They're both great and I mean incredibly great kissers. But I don't know, I felt something different with each. Like Liam sent shivers down my whole body. When he pressed his lips against mine I felt fireworks. I just wanted to kiss him and never stop or let go of him. While with Harry, I also felt fireworks... it was intense kissing with him though. If I could have I would of ripped my clothing off in that instant. No, I know what you're thinking, I don't just like Harry because I want to have sex with him. I love being around him, he makes me laugh and I feel like I can just be myself. I feel safe in his arms. But I also feel safe in Liam's arms, he makes me laugh also, and I love talking to him, I feel like I can tell him anything. I seriously don't know... They're both really amazing. Ugh! Why does life have to be so hard? And besides, I don't want to hurt either of them."

"Babe, I have no clue what to tell you. It seems as if you made a thousand pros and cons list you still wouldn't have an answer. I would try to hang out with both of them, alone, and see how that goes. It might help."

"Hmm... okay. I'll try."

"We should probably head back now."

"Race ya!"

"NOO! Not Fair Lena! You know you have longer legs than me."

Harry's POV

I was sitting in my car trying to get my head together. I pulled over at the petrol station we stopped at on our way here earlier.

Why would Lena kiss Liam? Maybe I should have stayed a little bit longer. She might have had pushed him off of her. I hope she really did. I can actually see myself in a relationship with her, I don't just want to get in her pants. I actually want to get to know her and be there for her.

*ring ring ring*

hmmm... I wonder who's calling me.

"Hey mate!"

"Hey Niall."

"Where are you? Are Liam and Zayn with you?"

"I'm trying to clear my head. No, why?"

"Oh, ok mate. Anything I can do to help? Well neither of them is here and the doc said that Louis should be waking up anytime now."

"Ok. We'll I'm on my way there. And no, thanks mate." I said as I started the engine.

"Can ye ask you something?"

"Yeah. What is it?"

"What happened between you and Lena?"

"Ummm... why?"

"Well like an hour or so ago she came up here and she looked awful. It seemed like she was crying, or about to."

"No! Are you sure? That ass hole! Where is she now?"

"Are ye okay mate? Who's an ass? And she's with Madi. I think they just got here, let me check."

"It's not important. And yea I'm fine. Is she there? Is she with Liam?"

"Yea, It's her. No, it's just her and Madi. Wait Lena wants to talk to you."

"Hey, Harry. Where are you?" her voice was shaking.

"Hey. I'm on my way back to the farm. Are you okay?" I really wanted her to tell me about the kiss, well, only if she pushed Liam off of her or not.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How are you? And okay, good, I miss you."

"I've been better. And I miss you too."

"Okay well, I'll let you continue to drive. Bye."

"Good bye Lena." Saying goodbye to her hurt so much, it felt as if I was never going to see her again. I don't know why. I pressed the accelerator even more and speed down the road.

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