Logan Wilson-mortal (no mist)

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disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series (as much as I wish I did), Rick Riordan does! All characters (but the OC) are owned by Rick!~Stunningly27

no mist

Logan Wilson POV

Heyyyyy! My name is Logan and I am the coolest dude at Goode high, or, at least I was before that loner Percy Jackson showed up and took all my fame. Worst part? He doesn't even want it. I mean, my (ex) girlfriend Lindsey Morner dumped me to ask him out and he said no! So, I started telling everyone that I was the favored son of Poseidon (i mean I'm not, but still) from that weird greek thing that everyone is always talking about. Oh! Did I mention that the gods are real and that apparently there was this stuff called 'mist' that covered it all up, but this lady (heckdate, I think her name was?) (I hate him already) got sick so the mist is gone now. They told everyone the story of the seven over the news but didn't give names, so they referred to the people as 'daughter of Athena' or 'son of Mars' and boring stuff like that.

Anyway, I was sitting in my English class with the most boring teacher in the world, Mr. Blowfish, when a Voice that I recognized as my principal came over the loudspeaker.

"Would all student and staff come down to the auditorium now? This is mandatory." he sounded really nervous for some reason.

When we got down to the auditorium, there was a system to thrones on the stage, and in them sat about 14 adults (Hestia and Hades had joined them) sitting in thrones, and like maybe 16 teens. (the 7, minus Percy, plus Nico, Reyna, Thalia, and Rachel, Clarisse, Will, Conner&Travis, Katie, and Grover)

"These are the Olympians, and their children, students," said my principal."Hello Mortals," boomed a dude in a throne with salt and pepper hair, who I assumed to be Zeus. I bowed to him, along with everyone except Percy, who seemed to be trying to hide in the hood of his sweatshirt. "I am Zeus. And I have come to tell everyone the story of the 7. Would P- the son of Poseidon, please come up? You know who you are." no one moved, but Percy, who just sank lower in his chair. All the student's eyes were on me. I hesitantly got up and made my way to the stage, all eyes following me, and bowed to the man sitting on the throne made of water who I assumed and hoped was Poseidon. He looked strangely familiar, like someone I knew, but I couldn't place my finger on it. (hmmm, I wonder who? *sarcasm*)

"Father," I said as I bowed

He suddenly got really angry, he seemed as though he was about to kill me, but then he started to scream. "YOU ARE NOT MY SON!" he yelled loud enough for the whole world to hear him, then piped down a notch. "This is a grand disgrace, I must kill you now," he announced, summoning what looked like a mini hurricane. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact when I was shoved.

"FATHER NO!" I heard a far too familiar voice shout, I opened my eyes to see Percy Jackson standing in front of me. And me, never knowing when to keep my mouth shut did the stupid. I laughed and said, "Jackson? A demigod? Yeah right, give me your titles." and everyone on the stage glared at me, including Percy who seemed to have the scariest to them all.

"All right," he said after a minute. He turned to address the crowd, took in a big breath and began "I am Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson, killer of the Minotaur, Medusa, Kronos, (yes, I know he didn't really kill Kronos, Luke did, but go with it) and many more. Retriever of Zeus' master bolt and Hades' helm of darkness, and the golden fleece, wonderer of the sea of monsters, the Labyrinth, Tar-Tartarus, and Calypso's Island. The main demigod of the great prophecy, Multiple time savior of Olympus, Fighter in both great wars *insert his other titles in here because I am lazy* Husband of Annabeth Jackson, Father of Luke Jackson, Selena Jackson, Zoe Jackson, and Bianca Jackson, And the god of loyalty and the tides." he finished, everyone gaping at the loner they now knew was a god. "So. Get. Off. The. Stage. NOW." roared Percy, and I did, fleeing for my life, just before everyone who was on the stage behind me disappeared n a flash of bright blinding light.

I really hope you liked this, it's my first story so sorry if it's crappy.


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