Diana Richmond-mortal (mist)

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disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series or any of its characters. if you like these characters then go read Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan instead of my little fanfiction.~stunningly27


Diana Richmond POV

I walked to lunch thinking about the hottest guy in the world- Jason Grace. He had dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes and is super tall and muscular with a hot tan. He says that he has a girlfriend, but we all know that he's lying and he just wants me. And even if he did have a girlfriend, there is no possible way she is hotter then me with my long (*cough* extensions *cough*) natural blonde (*cough* Dyed *cough*) hair and my baby blue eyes. (*cough* contacts *cough*, who keeps doing that?) shes probably some nerd that he's staying with out of pity because he got her pregnant, yeah, that works. Wait, did I even tell you who I was? Whatevs, I'm Diana, the hottest girl at Alleycord high, and future girlfriend and wife of Jason grace!

Anyway, I see Jason! Gotta go get him to ask me out!

I walked up to Jason and grabbed his arm, he looked at me. "Hey Jason" I purred. He looked away from me to cover the fact he was blushing. (*read; to hide the fact he was gagging*)

"I have a girlfriend Dana," he said while brushing me off his arm, probably because he was scared that someone would steal me from him if they saw us to close.

"Diana. And yeah, it's me," I told him, It was so cute how he pretended not to know my name!

"Uh, no. my girlfriend's name is Piper and," he brought out his phone and sent a text to someone called 'Beauty Queen♡♡' "she's gonna pick me up today."

"Fine, but when she doesn't come will you date me?" I asked, knowing that he would have to eventually let down the fake girlfriend act.

"Yes," he said, smirking for some reason. Probably really excited to date me.

လလလ-this time skip to the end of the school day is in the hospital because he tried to eat a stapler-လလလ

I walked outside to see Jason looking hot and sitting with his back against a tree.

"Hey, babe," I purred as I walked up to him, "I don't see your fake girlfriend anywhere. You owe me a date." I was about to sit down when I heard a growl from behind me.

"Fake? I think I would know if I was real,"

I turned around and was face-to-face with a beautiful Cherokee girl, who had choppy yet gorgeous brown hair, and eyes that changed colors every time she blinked.

"Who are you?" I asked her, dreading the answer.

"My names Piper, and you are flirting with my boyfriend," she nodded her head towards Jason, "so please, get lost."

I suddenly had the urge to walk away, and so I did. And I only started to put the pieces together once they had left.

ok, thanks for reading! BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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