Harrison Allen-mortal (mist)

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disclaimer: sadly, I do not own the Percy Jackson series, so I can't take any credit for these characters.


Harrison Allen POV

Omg, omg, omg! Annabeth_chase just posted! She is by far my favourite YouTuber ever, she does vlogs and challenges, and she's so cool! Anyway, I click the video, 'Q & A with me and my friends' is what it's called. Sounds interesting. (a/n the stuff in italics will be the youtube video)

Annabeth: hey guys! Welcome back to another video! Today I will be doing a Q & A with all the questions you guys leave in the comments! And sorry in advance if your question wasn't picked.

Annabeth scrolls through her phone and finds a question,

Annabeth: ok! Number one.... Case.X asks.... What is my biggest fear?

a crashing sounds as though someone breaking through a door, Leo bursts into camera rand, covered in soot and blue paint.

Leo: I hate evil snow Greek goddesses, especially the ones that are really hot and you want to ask to the pro-

Annabeth: shut up Leo! Anyway, my biggest fear is spiders, they are super sc-

There is another crash and some faint swearing in another language, Percy runs into the scene, also covered in blue paint.

Where the hades are all these people coming from?! Why are they covered in blue paint?

"Idiots," I say to myself rolling my eyes as Annabeth calls Percy a 'seaweed brian'.

Percy: I have a fear of Annabeth,

Annabeth shoots Percy a glare.

Percy: look at her! I swear She's already digging my grave!

Annabeth rolls her eyes and sighs,

Annabeth: anyway...

She scrolls through her phone again, finding another question,

Annabeth: overdue-homework-that-I-should-be-working-on_RIGHT.NOW (a/n I connect to this person's username... I need to get on with that math...) askes... 'what is the most annoying question people ask you?'. Well, the answer is.... 'Do you have a bellybutton?' well duh! Of course, I do!

Do people seriously ask her that? Everyone has a bellybutton! 'People these days.' I think as I roll my eyes at the thought.

Percy: Hey, wisegirl, can I read the next one? Please?

Percy gives Annabeth a seal pout and puppy dog eyes

"Awwww" I mutter to my self, IT'S JUST SO CUTEEEEE>

Annabeth:... fine, I give up. Here seaweed brain.

She says as she passes him the phone

Annabeth: choose one for everyone to answer,

'Everyone'? I wonder, 'but there's only-'

A crash and a loud bang rattle the air as four teenagers strut into the room. (frank, hazel, piper, Jason. You know what they look like, I'm not gonna describe them)

Hazel: are we late?

Frank: Nah, I think we're on time,

Leo: MY MAN MEN (and women) HAVE ARRIVED!

Percy: Hey guys! You're just in time for me to pick the question!

Percy makes a fast scroll and then randomly stops it.

Percy: Got one! urMOM666 askes... 'what were some turning points in your life?' hmmm, well for me I think it was when I got- when my mom signed me up for camp and I was assigned a cool cabin. Leo?

Leo: For me, I think it was when I learned how to make tacos, like, sewer tacos.

Jason and Piper laughed like it might have been an inside joke.

Annabeth: well, for me, I think it was meeting this seaweed brain,

She says as she gives Percy's shoulder a light push, causing some 'awww's' from other teens.

Jason: I think amnesia was pretty wonky, don't you per-

"Crap! My computers dead!" I mutter as I run to find the nearest outlet and charger cable.

ok! I just wanted to try the whole 'PJO as YouTubers' thing, because they're always really fun to read (to me at least). tell me if I should do more like this, as always, tell me of anything I need to improve. BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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