Richard Blackmore part 2

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disclaimer: you probably already know this (unless you always skip these thingies 'cause you are obsessed with Percy Jackson (like me) and are smart enough to know that I didn't write it...) but I DID NOT WRITE PERCY JACKSON! ALL RIGHTS TO RICK RIORDAN!

Richard Blackmore POV

"Cool, I can't wait to meet him."


"Don't worry, you'll see him soon enough. But right now, I think that we have to go talk to your parents."

~at his supa' cool house talkin' to his mommy~

"Mrs. Blackmore, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your son is a clear-sighted mortal."

I expected my mom to gasp, or to ask something like 'what the hell are you talking about weird-lady-that-thinks-she-knows-my-son! (as I had never introduced her to Annabeth)' but instead, she sighed in defeat.

"I always hoped he wouldn't have to take on my path," my mother said.

"Ma'am?" Annabeth asked her, looking confused but still comprehending.

"I'm a daughter of Hermes," my mom said. WHAT?! SHE WAS A DEMIGOD LIKE ANNABETH?!

"Really?" Annabeth gasped, looking at my mother again, but with a new light in her eyes that hadn't been there before.

"I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena."

"Oh, Chiron has told me about you and Percy!" my mom new my best friends boyfriend and I didn't? What the hell is wrong with my life?- oh yeah, I can see through the mist and MY MOTHERS A FREAKIN" DEMIGOD!

Annabeth then turned to me and said- "you can come to Camp Half-Blood! You're a legacy!"

"A what-sit?" I asked, confused.

"A Legacy," she explains, "It means one of your relatives that are not your parents-like your grandparents or your great grandparents and so on- is a god. Sometimes you even get their power! Hermes was good at stealing things, so you might be good at that- there was this one time that Travis and Con- stupid ADHD!" I was used to her saying stuff like this because I had been her best friend for so long. "Anyway, yeah, you can come to our camp." she looks at my mom, who nods.

"Tell Chiron that I said hello,"

Annabeth turns to me, "let's go."

~this time skip to once they get to camp half-blood is dead because he didn't ship solangelo~

"Everyone! This is Richard Blackmore, Legacy of Hermes!" Annabeth calls out to the crowd of people who were standing in the front of the weird camp.

"Cool! We've been waiting for a cool brother!" shouts a boy with curly brown hair and soft blue eyes from the crowd.

"Travis, he's not a son of Hermes, he's a legacy! Annabeth just said that!" said a boy that looked just like the 'Travis' dude. Then he turns away from the boy who I would assume to be his brother and faces me. "Yo! I'm Connor! This is my brother Travis! Were your sort-of-brothers! We welcome you to the Hermes cabin! Best cabin ever!" this dude has a lot of energy. (unlike me, the only energy I have I spend on ranting about Sokeefe. I ship it. Sue me, Sofitz shippers) welp, whatcha' gonna do?

"Hey, Annabeth can you introduce me to your boyfriend now?" I asked her once she turned away from the crowd of people (that were all stunningly hot- but don't get me wrong, I have a total crush on Mila, but DANGGGGG)

"Oh! Sure! He's probably down on the beach," she told me.

When we got down to the beach, it looked seemingly empty.

"Oh? I guess he isn't here-" I started, disappointed.

"SEAWEED BRAIN! GET OVER HERE NOW!" she cut me off. Seaweed brain? Was that some sort of nick-name she had for him?

All of a sudden, a (super hot) dude emerged from the water. He looked around for a second before his eyes landed on us and he gave us a lopsided smile and started to head towards us.

When he reached us, (surprisingly it didn't take him that long, even though we were, like, 20 yards away from each other) he slipped his arm around Annabeth's shoulders.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson," he started. I was right! "You must be Richy, Annabeth's told me loads about you." at the last part, he looked lovingly down at Annabeth. I could tell that they were right and perfectly in love, and, despite my big brother instincts, I wanted to give the two some privacy. (I could check on Annabeth later)

"Hey, guys, I'm just gonna go ask Connor and Travis to give me a tour! Bye!" I called out to them as I fled the scene. But they didn't seem to notice, as they were in their own world.

That was how I met Percabeth.

ok! this is a part 2 to Richard Blackmore, because why not? I really hope that you're liking my story, if not, please say if something/what is wrong with it so that I can improve. thank you for 430 reads! BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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