Grover (mist)

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disclaimer: I don't own PJO! Rick Riordan does! if I did, Theyna would have already happened.

this is for @Dobby113 for requesting Grover, and @Hello474Autumn (for shipping sokeefe ;) and being active on my story) and The13thdemigodwizard for writing an awesome story and following me... yep! hope you enjoy!

Grover POV:

I had been assigned a new mission. One I didn't quite like. Can you guess? Well, if you couldn't guess, I was assigned a new school to find a demigod. What does that mean? Like, a year away from Juniper, Percy, and Annabeth! The worst part? THE SCHOOL DOESN'T HAVE ENCHILADA DAY!!

Yes, it is true.

Anyway, I got Percy to drop me off so here I was, in the schools crammed office that seemed to smell like... monsters? NaH IT WAs PRObABLY StALE CHEeSE.

"Here you are, dearie, run along now." the old lady at the front desk told me, handing me my schedule.

"Thanks, Mrs... uh..."

"Mrs. P is fine," she said smiling sweetly, still smelling like stale cheese.

"Thanks, Mrs. P," I smiled before I rushed out to head to my new homeroom.

I sat down and scanned the room for the boy that was supposed (is that a word? Idk, tell me if you do) to be a half-blood. His name was Marc Treaty, he was supposed to be around 5'9 with orange hair and green/brown eyes. (I mean that one of his eyes was green, the other was brown) It was also his mother that he didn't know, but what kind of goddess was he like? I would have to get to know him, but for now, all I really knew was that he took after his dad.

I spotted him sitting near the front, chatting to a girl with a baby-blue spiked up pixie and some combat boots with ripped leggings and a Florida Georgia line T-shirt. (sorry, had to! Florida Georgia Line (and Brett young) is like, my favorite artist(s) ever!!) she looked like she was having a fun time around Marc, but not anyone else.

"H-hi! My name is Grover, I-i'm new here... I was wondering if you would like to be friends?" I said nervously as I stumbled on my crutches trying to approach Marc.

He looks up at me, taken aback. "U-um, sure! I'm Marc! This is my sister Huntley!" Woah- S I S T E R??? THAT WAS NOT PART OF THE PLAN!

"Cool! Do you wanna sit together- maybe- if it's fine with you?" I ask, quickly recovering from my shock.


~ 4 Months Later ~

Its been forever and I still hadn't figured out who his mother is! It's been driving me up the wall (thankfully not literally, I would have a lot to explain if I just dropped my crutches and ran up the wall XD), and I've been going practically insane!

"Hey! Nature boy! What's up?" Marc calls from behind me.

"Marc! What's up, dude?" Marc, Huntley, and I have really become closer friends over the past months. And I really do enjoy the mission(even if it does mentally strangle me every time I have to focus).

"Sarah just asked me if-" he was cut off short by a girl rounding the corner. Empousa. (is that how you spell it? Idk, lol)

"Hey, Marc! Whatsss up?" she purred, in a VERY hissy manor, though Marc couldn't seem to tell.

"Nothing-" he started, but she pounced.

I whipped out my trusty reed pipes and started to play a (scratchy) cover of 'A long way to get' by Bob Schneider, (I can see Grover jamming out to this XD) and a Lion rushed through the door. (let's say... grover made a 'link' with the Lion that was to the train (TLT) and can summon him now because I want that.)

I pushed everyone back, as they started to scream out bloody murder and cruel things about Scar. (my lion's name is Scar. Percy and I watched to much lion king in sixth grade XD)

As scar rushed to the Empousa and quickly killed her, I decided to IM Chiron to tell him that the school would need to be washed clean of the memories.

After that, I grabbed both Marc and Huntleys wrists while they both just stared at my legs. I looked down.


My shoes and crutches had gotten lost in the mess and I was no standing there, straight up mind you, and nervously clicking my GOAT FEET on the marble floor.

"N-nature B-boy?" Marc stuttered slowly, finally looking up at me.

"Come on! No time! Gotta get there!" I cut him off frantically.



We rushed through the borders, me practically pushing them through as they looked skeptical.

As instantly as the Empousa had arrived, A god came before them. Zeus.

He growled as he looked at them both in the eye. "HERA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"

Hera arrived on the spot, looking at the siblings face full of worry. "Blame Juno! Not me!" she shrieks.

"Umm, sir?" I ask nervously, they both whip they're heads to look at me. "What's... going on? If you don't mind me-"

"Let us let my precious wife tell you." Zeus sneers, putting Venom into the word 'wife' for some reason.

Hera walks towards Marc and Huntley carefully, as if scared they will disappear.

She raises a shaky hand and closes her eyes. Pointing directly between them.

I look from Hera back to Marc and Huntley and let out a gasp the fills the camp, along with the countless others.

There, above both heads is a cradle.

"A-all hail Marc a-and H-Huntley Vernon, Children of H-" Chiron lets out a shaky breath. "Children of Hera, goddess of Marriage and childbirth." (and cows)

hi!! yes, I finished the Grover chapter! I really hope that you like this! please comment if there is anything wrong or something you would like me to fix. BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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