James Johnson-mortal (no mist)

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hi!! sorry I haven't posted in a while, I got a really good Idea for this character ( that belongs to squido666 ! You Rock! ) anyway, sorry

also, (if I get their ^^ permision) I will probably make this into a whole story (not just this oneshot) because I really like the consept

my apologies to squido, because I kinda strayed away from what you wanted, but I hope you like it all the same. (I did make him meet Nico tho, so point for me) 

disclaimer: I DON'T OWN PJO! ThE MoNSTerS dO~ 

Jk, the troll owns it, not the monsters XD

James Johnson POV:

I was sitting alone in my normal lunch spot- the fourth stall out in the last row- when I heard someone enter the room.

You see, I wasn't supposed to be there because of some stupid prank I was accused of playing a while back. (I just wasn't allowed in it during free hours like lunch) So, obviously, I became nervous and jumped out of the stall (forgetting my tray ;w;) and tried to rush out the door.

I was shocked to see that no, it hadn't been a worker coming in, but an (emo looking) boy!

"Um... hello?" I asked him, looking him up and down. Now, normally, I'm attracted to every male with a pulse, but this dude reminded me so much of myself that I wasn't (like- Incest Vibes Much?)

"Holy Hera! What the Hades?!" he screamed at me. "Sorry dad" I don't know if I really heard that or not. It was probs just in my head.

He looked me up and down, eyes resting on my piercings. "Gay much?" he chuckled at his joke- but with sad humor. What was so wrong with being gay?!

"Yes- in fact. And I take pride in it!"

He looked at me and shrugged. "Well- don't make a move on Will and we'll be fine."

Will? Like... Will Solace? I asked myself to get two responses.

No Duh- You idiot! He's the only will you know!


Will is one of the most common names ever! Well not ever but-

"Uh... hello? I said don't make a move on will." annnnndddddd....

Then he left me standing there looking like an idiot. blech.

I was sitting in the back of social studies, feet kicked up on my desk, earbuds in, and zoned out when I saw the boy again.

His back was to me, but I could tell he was talking to will solace. I was right.

"Hi- I never caught your name," I say as I walk up to the boy. "You new here- right?"

He turned around and looked at me, I have to admit, he was handsome, but not as handsome as my amazing (my phone autocorrected amazing to amazhang. I am proud.) boyfriend, Jabr. yes. Boyfriend. I'm gay. Fight me.

Anyway, I stuck out my hand to shake, smiling pleasantly. For some reason, he recoiled. uh- weird much?

Will solace put his hand on the emo dudes (I still don't know his name!) shoulder and whispered something in his ear. I dunno, I only caught something about a doctors order, but the emo dude turned bright red and stuck his hand out, grabbed mine, and violently shook it for like ten seconds.

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