lola shaw-mortal (mist)

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disclaimer: I don't own PJO


Lola Shaw POV

"Hey girlfriend, you checking out solace again?"

That was my best friend Kendra. In case you didn't pick it up, I have a crush on Will Solace.

He's so dreamy, with his perfect blonde hair and his perfect, dreamy blue eyes that I could just get lost in (and I do).

"What's it to you?" I shoot back at her.

"Oh, nothing," she says with a smirk. Kendra knows that I like will, I told her a month ago, but ever since then, she's been teasing me about it. What does she know? She's just an ugly girl with ugly soft brown hair and ugly grass green eyes. Me on the other hand, I have a beautiful bob of wavy brown hair and highlights, I also have soft brown eyes that makes everyone swoon. I used to be a snob, but, new hair new me, right? Anyway, I was staring will down (no! I am not a stalker!) when I decided that I would ask him out at the end of the day, that gave me, like, the rest of the day to prepare. Plus, we haven't even had lunch yet, so I get lots of time to do my (already caked) makeup and style my long pink hair (yes, I dyed my brown hair pink, because brown is the ugliest hair color ever) (no offense to brunettes, I have nothing against them, I'm one myself).

*-*-*-*-*Time Skip to lunch*-*-*-*-*

"Hey Will, sit with me at lunch?" I ask him, knowing that he will say yes. I walk away, expecting him to follow.

"Er... no?" he says. I turn around.

"Why not, willy-poo?"

"First off, do not call me willy-poo, I'm taken. Second, I was gonna sit with my friends, and your not one of them," he said to me then walked away. I knew he loved me, so maybe he is just in a bad mood? OR WHAT IF HIS GIRLFRIEND (idiot) IS ABUSING HIM AND TELLING HIM THAT HE CAN NOT BE WITH THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE, ME! I will save him from this mess after school by asking him to be my boyfriend! Then he will kiss me and we will be-

"Lola!" Kendra annoyingly interrupts my fantasy.

"What?" I snap back at her.

"Lunch ended when you were standing there staring off into space! Come on!" she practically yelled at me before dragging me off to class...

*-*-*-*-*time skip to after school*-*-*-*-*

As I walked out of the school (from the front instead of the back like I normally do, because Will goes out the front) I looked around for will, but I didn't see him. Suddenly I saw him, sitting at a picnic table, looking around for someone (probably me) (*eye roll*). I went up to sit next to him.

"Hey willy-poo," I say as I sit down next to him, "I was wondering if-" all of a sudden I was cut off by a cool black *insert fancy car name here* pulling up. I couldn't see the driver, so I walked towards the car, noticing that everyone around me, including Will, was doing so as well.(though, Will didn't look curious, just weirdly happy). The car door opened and a emo-looking boy maybe a year older than me, stepped out of the driver's seat. He was hot. I mean, not as hot as Will, but totally a second option. I walked up to him, pushing through the crowd of girls (unsuccessfully) trying to ask him out,

"Hey babe, you, me, my house-" I started to say, but I was interrupted by a gasp followed by a familiar voice.

"Nico!" I turned around to see Will, a smile plastered across his face. "I was waiting!" hold on, did they know each other? My question was answered when Will serged forward and pulled 'Nico' into a kiss.

"HEY!" I yelled, ripping them off each other. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND?!" I directed this at Nico, shooting him my most evil glare. (couldn't scare a fly, much less a son of Hades who went to Tartarus alone and came back alive)

"excuse me? This is my boyfriend. Leave us alone." the 'Nico' boy sneered at me.

"NO! Willy-poo! Tell me this isn't true! You love me!"

But, Will simply laughed and said, "no, I love Nico with all my heart. I told you from the start wasn't interested."

I glared at them together and stomped away, but not before shouting "YOU FILTHY GAYS!" to them. (I have nothing against people who are not straight, I am Bi myself)

sorry if this was kind of short, ill try to make the next one longer. please comment feedback on things I could get better at (because I know I could) and anything else you have to say about the story. BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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