Ben Schmidt-'Mortal'

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Ben Schmidt POV

Who are the Stolls, some people might ask? they're Only the most insane pranksters at Westford high school, Kevin and Thomas Stoll. Let me just tell you a story that changed my perspective of them completely...

I was walking through the crowded hallway of Westford high when I spotted a cute girl. Now, I should make it clear that I 'm not normally a flirt, but this girl was perfect! She had straight potato brown (a/n what? I'm hungry) hair that went down an inch below her shoulders and grassy green eyes that I just got lost in. I had never seen her at school before, so I assumed she was new. I, of course, wanted to be her first impression. Who else? (TRAVIS!!- oops, sorry, 'thomas', ya know, whatever you want to call my bestie) so duh, I walked casually over to her and sent her a shy smile (I'm not like those people who are like 'I AM LIKE SO POPULAR! YOU MUST LIVE IN A ROCK NEXT TO PATRICK!' ... yup, not like them...).

"H-hi! My name is Ben Schmidt, your new here, right?" UGH! I sounded so stupid! That stutter? Disgusting!

"Yes! My name is kat- Vanessa Stoll, nice to meet you!" huh, she must be those idiots Stoll's sister... I mean they do both have brown hair...

Katie POV (i know, I know, but I really wanted to include this!)

I, unlike other people (TRAVIS), came up with a name that didn't sound exactly like my name, Vanessa. I was sent to school to keep my boy-Husband (we got married last fall after dating for four years) (again, I'm doing the 'they are gods so they can make themselves look 17) in check. Why he was sent to high school? No Idea. I was standing at my locker, looking around for a spot of my husband's hair or face (or, like, shoelaces or something) when a voice cut through my thoughts.

"H-hi! My name is Ben Schmidt, you're new here, right?" uh-oh, Annabeth told me all about her high school experiences, and from what I would collect, this boy had a crush on me. I internally sighed before I turned and met his Eyes.

"Yes!" I said in a fake cheery manner (I just wanted to find Travis and get out!) "My name is Kat-" shoot! "Vanessa Stoll, nice to meet you!" I could see his eyes scan me when I said 'Stoll' but personally, I couldn't care less, let the boy wonder (I think I'm spending to much time around the brothers).

I walked away before he could say something more, 'cause I spotted Travis down the hall.

Ben POV (ok, we're back, but I might go back to Katie)

'Ugh!' I thought, frustrated, as the pretty girl turned and walked away from me. What did I do?

"Vanessa! Stay away from him! You'll get hurt!" I called out to her as I saw her tak- tackling? SHE'S TACKLING THOMAS STOLL!!!

I stormed up while she pulled him off the floor, her beautiful brown hair messy, though it still didn't hide her beauty.

"Thomas, is there someone you would like me to meet?" I ask him (Thomas, duh, I literally said Thomas in my sentence) through gritted teeth that he can obviously not see. (surrrrrrre *NOTE THE SARCASM*)

"Uh, nope!" he replies back, grinning obliviously.

"Whos that?" I say, pointing at Vanessa, deciding to get straight to the point.

"My-" Thomas starts.

"I already introduced myself, what do you want now?" Vanessa interrupts. I look away, blushing.

"Oh-er... how do you know each other?" I ask, desperate for a subject change even though I already made the connection that they are siblings.

I realize that it was a good subject change because of both of their face's lighting up. Thomas looks at Vanessa before speaking, "We actually just got married last Fall!"

"WHAT?!" I gasp, shocked. Were only 17!! Sexual intercourse (yep. I just said 'Sexual intercourse') isn't even allowed at our age (we still have sluts that do 'the do' though- I. AM. NOT. ONE. OF. THEM. I just like to kiss a girl) and they're married?! What the hell!

"We got married last-"

"I know! I heard you the first time- but how-the-hell-are-you-married-were-like-17!" I practically screamed at the pair of them.

"Special circumstances," Vanessa growled at me. (am I the only one who sees Katie growling? Idk, probably)

"Like what? Omg- tu gravidam?!" I screamed, shocked. (are you pregnant)

They looked at me funny, before Vanessa said, "nosti patrem tuum?" (do you know your parents?)

"Uh, not my dad- but that's none of your Bizness! Tell me why you're married at such a young age!"

They looked at me funny and Thomas pulled out his phone (Leo made it monster-proof) and a second later Kevin showed up.

Kevin took one look at me, his eyes flicking from my purple eyes (I quickly turned my head, as I hated my eyes 'cause people always made fun of them and I forgot to put my contacts on that morning) to my slick blonde hair (my hair was super hot, kinda like the sun. speaking of the sun, this one time when I was at a space museum this kid- crap! Off track again! I really need to focus...) and grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of the building.

"Hey! Where are you taking me!" I screamed, legit fearing my life. (what? You have never seen what the Stolls could do to a student. There was this one time that- FOCUS!)

"Camp Half-Blood. You need it, we've been looking for you." ok, toooooootally not creepy...

"Whats camp half-whatsit and why are you taking me there?" I asked- OMG! WHAT IF IT WAS THE PLACE WHERE THEY KILLED PEOPLE- WHAT IF THEY PULLED ME INTO THE HUNGER GAMES?! When Prim died I just wanted to kill Gale so much- that little arse! SORRY! OFF TOPIC AGAIN! (I sware, tell anyone that I read the hunger games and I will kill you like they killed Rue- Sorry! I really need to shut up!)

"Its a place for people like us! Now shut up!" Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

I walked through the gates (are they gates? Idk, I'm too lazy to check) of 'Camp Half-Blood' to be greeted by a fat man pointing at me.


1110 words! wow!

HI! I finally have the Wifi to finish and post this story! tell me if you like it or if anything is wrong that I need to improve- ON TO WORKING ON MY GROVER CHAPTER! BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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