Chris Tong-demigod

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disclaimer: I don't own any books about crazy boys who are oblivious to the fact that every person known to man has a thing for them, a.k.a Percy Jackson.

Chris Tong POV

Hi, I'm Chris tong. The first thing I need to tell you? I. AM. A. GIRL! I just hate it when people assume that I'm male! Second, no, I am not related to the book characters tam and Linh Song (tong), though that would be pretty awesome. Oh! Last and kinda least, my fathers a god. Hermes. He's pretty boring, but he gave me a cool bracelet that makes me (Taylor) swift, but other than that he's been sucktastic.

I'm gonna tell you 'bout the time I found my brother kissin' my bestie, so you best listen up!

"Yo! Chris! It's capture the flag time!" Travis called to me, seeing as I was sitting on my bunk reading Keeper of the lost cities, Nightfall, what? I couldn't help myself! "Pack up your stuff so we can go!"

"Coming, coming!" I wined back to my annoying half brother, putting my copy of nightfall away (I was head-ranting on how much I wanted to annihilate Mr. Forkle for interrupting the foster-Keefe kiss)

~~10 minutes into capture the flag~~

I decided that I would sneak through the woods as a shortcut to get to where my team (the blue team) had guessed the red teams base was. Are team captain had already assigned conner and Travis to the woods, but they were idiots, and I suspected that they would get lost so I went in too.

As I was walking through the woods, I saw a flash of red in my rear vision and whipped my head around. Luckily, I had done it silently, as she hadn't seen me yet. It appeared that the red player was a girl from the Demeter cabin, but I couldn't quite tell who. Another thing-WHY THE HADES WAS SHE MAKIN' OUT WITH SOMEONE?! WHO THE HADES WAS SHE MAKIN" OUT WI- THE HADES? THE PERSON SHES MAKIN' OUT WITH IS BLUE! Oh no- the only blues in the forest were-

"Chris?" it was Travis. And Katie. BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!

"Uhhhh... we can explain," it was Katie talkin' that time, she was so red in the face she looked like a livin' potato.

"You. guys. Are. so. CUTTEEEEEEE!" ... you can probably guess that that was me.

"Er, thanks?" Travis said, glad he wasn't in trouble. But I wasn't letting him off the hook this early.

"You, sir, have some explaining to do after the game," I said, winking at my idiot half brother before running to find the flag (and tell conner-unless he already knew! THAT DIRTY-

Hiiiiii! thanks for reading this, I know that it's really short, but I just really wanted to get something out today. BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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