Joeseph Freemen-mortal (no mist)

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disclaimer: I don't own Pjo, so I can't take claim of the characters. (but the OC, I own that)

No mist

Joeseph Freemen

"Hey babe," I say, looking at my girlfriend Makena-or maybe it was Marley? Or maybe... Madison? Idk, anyway, I was breaking up with her so I could get the new hottie. (because apparently, my mom says I can't have more than five girlfriends at a time) "we're over."

She ran off crying, what the heck? We had only been together for two days. Whatever, I walked to the office to show the hottie around. When I walked in, I saw a girl my age, with long honey blonde hair and grey eyes (I'll make her wear contacts when we start dating) "You must be new," I said, winking at her. "I'm Joeseph Freemen, I'll show you around and do anything you need." I told her, emphasizing the word 'anything'. At this point, most girls would be drooling over me and asking me to do some pleasant things (I am about to throw up, and I wrote this crap), but she just looked at me with disgust and replied; "I'm Annabeth, I'm taken, and the only thing I need you to do is get out of my face."

"Fiesty, I like it," I said, looking her up and down. Defiantly worthy of me. (*gags*)

"And I like my boyfriend. Get out of my face and leave me alone," she said as she walked out of the room.

Boyfriend? I beat any-boy, any-day. I mean, I'm a son of Ares Greek god of the sky! Well, not really, but that's what I told everyone. Did I not mention the gods were real? Well, they are. Back to me. I have smooth, hot (eww, no) dark brown hair, and perfect blue eye contacts to cover up my ugly brown eyes. So, I need the hottest girl, obviously.

"Catch you later, babe!" I call out to her retreating figure.

*&*&*&*&*&*-supa' hot time skip to after his first-class-*&*&*&*&*&*

"Me, you, my place, seven o'clock. My parents aren't home." I said, seductively pushing her against the locker.

"I. Have. a. BOYFRIEND. B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D! Leave me alone!" Annababe (eww) shrieked, clearly just playing hard to get, as everyone loved me.

"We all know you want me," I sneered, pushing her harder against the locker, and motioning to the crowd that was gathering around us, which were laughing at her. (idiot, their laughing at you!) "come on, your boyfriend doesn't have to know,"

"No," this time she said it deathly calm. I must be improv-

"OW!" I screeched. "What the hell?! You hit me!" I was raging! She just friggin' slapped me! How dare she!

"No means no. get a life so you can leave mine alone."

*&*&*&*&*&*-after another class-*&*&*&*&*&*

"We need to go out sometime," I told her, leaning against the locker next to her, grinning, as I had a plan.


"Well, I'm a son of Ares! You have to do what I say or my dad will blast you with lightning!"

"Suuurreeeee," she said, not cowering in fear for some unknown reason. "What is Ares the god of?" now she was smirking, I planned to wipe that smirk right off her face.

"Ares is the god of the sky, lightning, thunder, and, like, king of all the idiots! Duh!" I heard her mutter in reply, 'idiots is the only thing correct about that sentence' to which thunder rumbled.

"Yeah, wrong, Ares is the god of war."

"Still, we should go out-" I was cut off by her punching me in the nose. (i hope it broke)

*&*&*&*&*&*-time skip to after school (and a lot more dating attempts from little joey)-*&*&*&*&*&*

"Aghh," I muttered, I had been slapped, punched, jabbed in the gut, and kneed in the gut. Now, I was going to meet this (hot) maniacs boyfriend.

As I entered the parking lot, Annabeth (as she had corrected me after jabbing me in the gut) glared at me, warning me not to come near her if I valued my life. Which I did.

"Where is he?" I called out to her, not seeing any boys around that looked like they knew her, or were much less even dating her.

"Coming, he's always late."

" I would never be-" she judo flipped me (finally! I was waiting for that one!), making me shut up before letting out a groan of pain. "Nevermind,"

All of a sudden, a van saying 'delphi's strawberries-' (thanks, Schrutefarms9 for correcting me XD) on the side. Since when did the school order strawberries? My question was answered as; since never, when 12 teens got out of the van. Let me just say, they were all smokin' hot, like, crazy, model-level hot."Seaweed brain!" Annabeth screamed, rushing towards the hottest guy of the group, "I missed you!"

"You saw me this morning!" 'seaweed brain' laughed good-heartedly.

"I know..." she said before meeting him in a passionate kiss.

I don't know if Annabeth had hit me one-too-many times, or if I was just turning mad, but I couldn't help but think that they were perfect together, and limp away smiling.

That was how I met percabeth.

heya! it's me, I just want to say that I hope you enjoy this story, and I'm sorry that it's short. Please correct me if I got anything wrong, or if you think I could improve on anything (which I know I could). BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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