Tyrone Cardenas-mortal (mist)

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disclaimer #1: I don't own PJO, Rick Riordan does.

disclaimer #2: this story is Theyna, if you don't ship it, don't read it. if you do read it, then please no hate. thank you!


Tyrone Cardenas POV

As I was walking into my shift, I saw a really hot girl in the waiting line. She had spiky black hair with a weird silver crown and lightning blue eyes and was wearing a silver parka. I decided I would ask her out if she got stood up. You see, I work at a cinema so that when hot girls get stood up I can ask for their number. It's foolproof, as I have neat (gelled, duh) blonde hair and pretty aburn eyes and flawless skin.

When she got to the front of the line, I greeted her, "Hey, babe, where's your boyfriend? You get stood up?/ well, I could always-"

"Leave me the hades alone, and FYI I don't have a boyfriend!" she growled at me. Hades? Whatever I probably just heard wrong. Anyway, I like it when girls play hard to get, it gives me a challenge.

"Just sayin' if you don't have a boyfriend, I'm open," I said, winking this time, seeing as I could go a little further (without getting shot nasty glares) as she was the only one in line.

"And I'm 'just saying' that I. am. TAKEN. Not fudge off before my girlfriend gets here!"

Ewwww!! She was gay! That's so gross! Well, I can make any girl strait. I grabbed the collar of her parka, and our lips touched for an exact 0.00000000000000000001000000000000001027 seconds before she pulled away and punched me in the face (breaking my nose).

Needless to say, I was fired right then and there by a very angry boss and customer.

- - -

Later that year, I was working at an Icecream parlor (my dad owned it, so he got me in) when a hot lady passed by. She had straight black hair and *describe Reyna because I'm lazy*. She was absolutely gorgeous. Now, I had learned from my past experience, but she was just to perfect (almost as perfect as the parka girl, and man she was stunning) (man I'm gagging hard) I walked out of the store, (my shift was over) and approached her. "Hey gorgeous, want to go out sometime soon?" I walked away, knowing her answer, but I heard a voice say 'no' so I turned around.

I was shocked to see a familiar parka girl standing in front of the hottie. "You do not get to take my girlfriend." what?! This was her girlfriend?! That's crazy!

"She is totally not your girlfriend, fudge off her," I told parka girl. But then the craziest thing ever happened. THE HOTTIE PULLED PARKA GIRL IN FOR A KISS! They both turned to me at the exact same time with the scariest glares I have ever seen, before yelling, "LEAVE US THE HADES ALONE!"

That was how I met Theyna. (And I hope to never do it again)

hi! yes, I know this is short, I'll probably post again later today to make up for it. anyway, please tell me if there is anything I need to improve on. BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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