Richard Blackmore-mortal

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disclaimer: I do not own the Percy jackson series

Richard Blackmore POV

Hey, I’m Richard Blackmore, but most people just call me Rich or Richy. I have light red hair that's kind of shaggy, and green eyes that I like to think of as cute (even though I know that there kinda ugly and look like pits of broccoli or something’). I go to gateway arch high in Missouri, and I am one of the top students there, right under Annabeth chase. And no, I do not have a crush on Annabeth (unlike most people) I just see her as a sister (I have a big crush on Mila Bull, thank you very much). Plus, I know that she has a boyfriend, and who would I be to get in the middle of love?

Anyway, right now I’m walking down the hall trying to find Annabeth, who I haven’t seen all day. Normally, she isn’t late to anything, so my best bet is that she has been avoiding me, which kinda hurts. I suddenly see a stream of blonde hair through the hall. It’s Annabeth, and she is hurt and looks like she just got here.

“Annabeth!” I call as I run to her, a look of concern taking over my previously just worried face.

“Hey Richy,” she says in a tone like her clothes aren’t ripped and she isn’t covered in flecks of blood and holding a dag- SHES HOLDING A DAGGER.

“ANNABETH! WHY THE HELL DO YOU HAVE A DAGGER?” I scream, my inside big brother being issued.

“Yo-you can see it?” she asks, looking concerned, sympathising, and understanding all at the same time.

“Oh- yeah. Can you… not?” I ask her, dropping my anger and suddenly just plain confused.

“Come with me,” she almost mutters as she grasps my wrist and pulls me to the nearest exit. After she has pulled me well away from school grounds and into an empty park, she looks at me.

“Do you have dyslexia?” she askes me assertively.

“Umm.. no? Why?” I respond though it is more like a question than an answer.

“Oh, do you have ADHD?” she askes again, but this time a little uncertain.

“No…” I answer for the second time, wondering where the conversation is going.

I hear her mutter something along the lines of ‘well… he doesn’t have to be…’ before she looks up at me and says “do you know both your parents?”

“yes, Annabeth! You know this! You literally have me read your stuff for you in English and you met my parents like a week ago!” I say, feeling almost betrayed that she has given such little attention to our friendship white I had honoured it with everything.

“Sorry… I’m just a little baffled,” she tries to explain, looking so genuinely apologetic that I forgive her. (what? She’s like the sister I never had, I can’t stay mad at her!)

“It's fine,” I tell her, but I quickly stumble back when she pulls out the knife she had been holding earlier.

“What are you doing?” I squeak as she reaches for my hand.

“The last test, seeing as you failed all the others,” she states simply, “now please give me your hand.”

“What are you gonna do to it?” I ask her, scared for my hand's life.

“Chill dude, I’m just gonna see it if it will draw blood or go through you,”

Go through me?! What the hell is she talking about?! I think to myself.

Slowly, I give her my hand. I can trust her, right?

She takes my hand in her own and puts the knife at the tip of my index finger before pushing down. I yank my hand back but quickly realized that I had sent even felt it and that it hadn’t drawn any blood.

“What the hell?” I breathe.

Annabeth sighs and mumbles something along the lines of ‘clear-sighted’ (what does that even mean?) before looking at me, “do you believe in the Greek gods?”

७७७७७७७७-after an explanation of how stuff works (because I’m too lazy to write it all)-७७७७७७७७

“Wow…” I say, “so I’m mortal? But I can like, see through the mist stuff?” I ask her, trying to take it all in.

“Pretty much,” she states, though she looks just a little bit dazed from the whole thing. “You know,” she tells me, “one of my best friends is a clear-sighted mortal. It's not that uncommon.”

“What's her name?” I ask, maybe I know her?

“Her name is RED- Rachel Elizabeth Dare, she is the oracle at camp half-blood.”

“Oh, I don’t know her,” I say, saddened that I can’t meet anyone else of my ‘speicies’.

“Hey, Maybe you could meet Percy's mom, she's a clear-sighted mortal.”

“Really?” I say, then get a brotherly suspicion and, being me, decide to pester Annabeth about it. “Is Percy your boyfriend?” I ask her in a mocking tone like the annoying friend I am.

“Yes,” she says as she turns a shade of crimson.

“Cool, I can’t wait to meet him.”

Heyyyyy! I really hope you liked this story, feel free to give feedback, or a suggestion so I can inprove my (crappy) writing. BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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