Nathen cunningham-mortal (no mist)

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJO
No mist
Nathen Cunningham POV

I was watching My little pony (DON'T JUDGE ME! IT'S NOT THAT WEIRD) when the TV went black. At first, I was annoyed, but then it turned back on to a different channel. I was about to go back to My Little Pony when biggest (and oldest looking) dude on the screen started talking.
It went a little like this;
"Mortals!" Mortals? Who the hell does this guy think he is?! "I am Zeus!" waittttttt like 'yo I rule the world' Zeus? "I have interrupted your shows to tell you that Greek Mythology is Real! All the creepy  things that you have been seeing lately are due to the fact that Hecate has fallen sick!"
He walked out of camera view, and I thought that the announcement was over, but then some dude (that was really hot- I AM NOT GAY) said "Oh, yeah! Demigods are real too! Byeeeeee!" then My Little Pony started up again.
I paused the TV and went to text my friends about everything.

-starting now is him texting-

Me: Guys! Did you hear the news?!
Sam: ya! Do u believe it?!
Me: kinda, I mean, I have been seeing weird stuff lately!
McShizzle: I do 2! I can't wait to meet a demigod! Like, a son of Hephaestus
Ok, a little thing that I have to explain, Leo (umm, McShizzle) is obsessed with Greek mythology, and he's obsessed with mechanics. That's the reason that he thinks Hephaestus is so cool because Hephaestus is the Greek god of, like, making stuff.
Me: well no duh leo🤣
Sam: yeah, of course u do
McShizzle: what?🤣
Sam: but guys, do you think this stuff is real?
Me: totally, plus, I think it would be SO COOL to be a demigod! Like, lightning! Lightning! Hail I'm a son of Zeus! Boom!
Sam: I also think It would be cool to be the son of Hades, like, BOOM! BOOM! DEATH TOO YOU! DEATH TO YOU! BOOOOMMMMMM!!!
McShizzle: Er... I wouldn't want to be one
Me: why not?! It would be so cool to have all those powers!
Sam: why?!?!?!?!?!
McShizzle: always having people trying to kill you?! No way?! I want to be mortal!
McShizzle: *would want
Me: lol, Leo, for a second when you just said 'want' i was like 'OMG!!! MR. MCSHIZZLE IS A DEMIGODDDDDD?!!???!?!?!' lol🤣
Sam: Oh, I didn't even notice
McShizzle: lol, that would be crazy🤣
Me: ttyl!

-texting ending now-

Crap. school.
I throw on some baggy jeans and a white T-shirt with a camo sweater, grab my bag and rush out the door.
"Bye, mom!" I call back as I shut the door behind me.

~at school~

"Yo! Guys! What if someone we knew was a demigod!" I gasped to Sam and Leo during math (we weren't listening), but Leo was really the only one paying attention to me because same was being hit on by the most annoying boy in the school. Oh, did I forget to say that Sam is a girl? Well, she is. She's really pretty too. (and I might have a little crush on her... what? Just being honest!)
"That would be wicked, but I think that they would want to keep their identities secret," Leo told me.
"I guess, but still!"
Just then, less phone started to ring. Now, I don't know about you, (but I'm feelin' 22) but in our school, when your phone rings you have to put it on speaker for the whole class to hear, and you're not allowed to tell the person that's on the other end.
Leo picked up the phone, "hello? This is Leo."
"Sup repair boy! You're in math right now, right?" asks a female voice from the other end.
"Stop calling me that, Beauty Queen!" Leo said back to her.
"Fine. but are you in math?"
"Yes," he sighed, "why?"
"Because I have a hellhound on my tail and I forgot my dagger so I'm leading it to you! You have your tool belt, right?!" WHAT?! A HELLHOUND? DOES THAT MEAN LEO IS-
Just as I was thinking, a pretty girl crashes through the window, followed by a really big black dog with red eyes.
Leo jumps up and reaches into his tool belt (that he's always wearing for some reason) and pulls out a big hammer and tosses it to the girl before getting himself an even bigger one.
"Improvise!" he called to the girl, who looked like she had no idea how to fight with a hammer.
"I'm trying my hardest here Leo!" She screamed, "A little help here?!"
"Coming!" Leo screamed back at 'beauty queen'.
They caught the dog for a few minutes using slashes and punches that my eyes didn't fully take in before the dog dispirited into golden ashes. "What the hell man?!" I screamed at him.
He turned back to me and the rest of the class that were staring at him in horror. "Umm," he turned toward the pretty girl, who nodded her head. "I'm Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, god of fire." He then walked towards the window and jumped out, quickly followed by the girl. I could have sworn I heard him scream "McShizzle is OUT!" As he fell, but I'll never be sure.
That is how I met Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus
Hi! I hope you liked this chapter, please tell me if there is anything wrong with it! BYEZZZ!~stunningly27

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