Alice Watts-mortal (mist)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan does. all I own is Alice watts (Mrs. Watts)


Alice Watts POV

Hey! I'm Alice watts, I teach the Mythology election at Goode high school. I'm really nervous about today because I heard that I was getting a new student-Percy Jackson to be exact. What's so bad about Percy Jackson?' you might ask, well let me tell you. He has been kicked out of like eight schools, and when he was only 12 he was on the news as a runaway. Yeah, he's that bad.

Anyway, on his profile, it showed reports that he never listened in class and that he was normally sleeping of 'making sassy comments'. He was all and all the complete opposite of my star student, Piper McLean (ha! You thought it was gonna be Annabeth!).

When he walked in today at the start of class, I noticed something that was not on his profile. He was what the girls today called 'hot'. Yes, as he walked in, the entire female population of my class (but good ol' Piper) swooned and gave him dreamy eyes. Definitely a player.

"Good morning, I'm Percy Jackson, I'm going here because of- Beauty Queen?!" he gasped in the middle of his greeting, "what are you doing here? I didn't know you went here!" I couldn't tell who he was talking to, but I got player vibes from him calling her 'Beauty Queen'.

"Honestly, Kelp head," My star student piped up, being abnormally rude-Kelp Head?! What an insult! "I told you I went here like five times!" she giggled and motioned for him to sit next to her. Oh No! My star student couldn't be falling for a cheater- could she?

He went to sit next to her, swiftly kissing her on both her cheeks. Was this the boyfriend she was always talking about? Must be! I realized when she whispered 'I missed you!' to him.

"POP QUIZ!" I decided, finding an old print out. I was gonna show piper that she deserved someone smart- not a cheating idiot playboy like Mr. Jackson.

~~after the Quiz~~

I was shell shocked, to say the least. Percy Jackson had scored and 102% (the 2 coming from the bonus problem) on his quiz. I was sure he was cheating. "Percy Jackson, please see me after class," I called as students got up to leave.

"You wished to see me, ma'am?" He said, walking up to my desk.

"Yes, how is it that you have been getting F's on everything at your past schools," I emphasized the word 'schools', "but you have got an A+ on this test. Are you cheating? Because we don't tolerate-"

I was cut off by him scowling. "Don't judge a book by its cover." and with that, he left the room.

~~next dayyyyy~~

I was getting out of my car when I saw Piper and her boyfriend talking. I wasn't very close, but I caught the words 'bye pipes' escape Percy's mouth. I ignored the couple and walked inside, to go to the bathroom.

When I stepped out of the lady's room, I saw Percy pinning a girl-piper, duh- against a locker and kissing her. The pulled away, and I saw that it wasn't Piper! It was some dumb blonde that I had never seen before!

I was about to rush to tell piper her boyfriend was cheating (what? I'm a caring teacher, not an old creep who stalks the student's social life!) when she walked through the corridor and looked at the before Squealing "PERCABETH!!!! I STILL CAN"T BELIEVE YOUR ENGAGED!"

"Haha, cuz, I still can't believe she said yes!"

Wait, Percy and piper were.... Cousins?

Welp, I guess I shouldn't judge cousins from their closeness (yes, I just said that)

And that was how I didn't meet Pipercy-

that was how I met Percabeth.

heya, peeps! I just wanted to get something up today so here ya go! I hope you like it, and, as always, tell me if there's something I messed up on or if you think I could improve at something (which I know I could). Okie-Dokie, BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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