Mila Bull-demigod

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Mila Bull
Hi! My name is Mila Bull, I go to Gateway Arch High and right now I'm really worried. You see, I'm a demigod. Daughter of Athena to be exact. I have shoulder length wavy black hair (I'm gonna say that not all children of Athena have to have blonde hair, they just have to have grey eyes) and grey eyes. I was in school when I saw my sister run in bloody. We were at school because Chiron wanted us to protect some of the mortals, and the satyrs were all who knows where. Anyway, I was minding my business when she came through. I didn't want to go to her, because we were supposed to act like we didn't know each other, so I stood and watched her talk to Richy from afar. At one point she gasped and pulled him out the door.
I was curious, so I went to IM Chiron but thought better of it. Instead, I did the (stupid) thing of following them! It turned out that Richy was a clear-sighted mortal! I went back into the classroom and waited for the day to finish, not really paying attention to anything. (I still got everything right, I'm a child of Athena after all)

~time skip to after school~

When school was dismissed, I drove over to camp half-blood like I always do. When I got there, I heard buzz that a legacy had come to camp. Curious, I went to my cabin to ask Annabeth about it.
When there, didn't find Annabeth, so I decided to ask Malcolm.
"Hey, Malcolm, do you know who this new legacy is? I want to meet them." I tell him.
"I think he's getting a tour from Connor and Travis, but you could probably find him by archery right now,"

~at the archery range~

As I walked into the archery range, I saw something I hadn't been expecting.
"Richy?" I gasp, staring at him. Ok, don't tell anyone, but I kinda like him. Like-like like him.
He turns around and turns red. "M-mina? You go here?"
"Er.. yeah. I'm a daughter of Athena..."
"W-wow! You must be really smart! I-i mean, not that I never noticed-I mean-umm..." I must have been bright red at this point. "Er... you're pretty?"
Yep. I was definitely beet red. But he was too, so it made up for it.
"We're gonna leave you two lovebirds alone," Connor said, wriggling his eyebrows at the both of us and walking off with his brother.
"Um.. hi?" I looked at Richy, who was speaking. "S-sorry, I didn't-"
"You wanna take a walk?" I ask, cutting him off.
"Sure!" he says, face perking up (in a really cute way), "where to?"
"The beach?"
He goes uncomfortable, "umm, Annabeth and Percy are-"
"Oh! Nevermind! Let's give them their privacy!" I say quickly, Annabeth and Percy can be a little... akward to be around.
We both start laughing and settle on going to the obstacle course.
A few weeks later, we started dating! (to a whole lot of squeals from Annabeth, who was my sister and Richy's best friend) turns out he had liked me when we were at school as well!
That is how I found out my crush (NOT ANYMORE!!<3) was a legacy of Hermes. (and how I avoided running into a percabeth makeout session)

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