Tj eza-demigod (no mist)

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Disclaimer: I DONT OWN PJO!!!!!
No Mist
Tj Eza POV

I was talking to my bestie Annabeth Jackson while standing near my locker. You see, I have a secret 😜I SHIP DEX AND KEEFE😜  I'm gay. Yeah, Annabeth doesn't know, but I think she might suspect. (she's, like, super smart!) anyway, I have a crush on this one boy named Daniel Spear (if you get this reference, you are my new best friend). I know he's SUPER strait, but, what can I say? He's hot! Anyway, I was talking to Annabeth when I was called to the principal's office.
"Would Tj come to the office? Tj to the office." I hated the screeching sound the principle over the intercom. every time, it sounded like.... NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD!!! Yep! It was THAT BAD!
Anyway, I made my way to the office, starting to dread why I  was getting in trouble. What had I done?
I stepped through the office doors to be shocked with the sight of the hottest boy I had ever laid eyes on. He had pitch black hair that looked as if it had never seen a comb (I highly doubt he even knew what a comb was) and eyes that swirled in blue and sea-green, resembling the ocean.
Now, I didn't like him, I was just admiring how hot he was.
"Ah, hello Tj!"
I whipped my head around to see the secretary and realized that I hadn't just come to the office to stare at the new pretty boy. (was he new? I sure hoped so...)
"Hello, Mrs. Tilman! How is your day going?" I started with being super nice, maybe she would let me off the hook?
She raised her eyebrows and gave a slight shake of her head. "No need for that, Mr. Eza, you're not in trouble." I blushed (what I would assume to be) a shade of crimson and looked at my toes. "You are going to have Percy Jackson shadow you today."
"Percy Jackson?" who was Percy Jackson? Weird name. I knew for a fact that there was a popular kid named Peter Johnson that went to this school, maybe it was a follower of his? But then again, maybe it was Annabeth's brother? I think I heard her mention something about a Percy once.

We left the office, him trailing behind me, and went to talk to Annabeth. As soon as she came into view, I saw someone run from behind me at her. It was Percy. So I was right! They were siblings!
Welp, my theory was proved wrong when they fell into a... MAKEOUT SESSION! MY SWEET-LITTLE-INNOCENT-BOY-REJECTING-SMART-PRECIOUS-ANNABETH!
"Uh... how do you know each other?" I awkwardly asked from behind them, feeling rude for interrupting them but my curiosity getting the better of me.
"Er... Tj!" Annabeth said blushing maddly. "This is my boy- HUSBAND Percy Jackson."
"HUSBAND?!" I whisper-yelled, "we're like 17!"
"You're 17, Percy and I are, like, 28."
"How in the what?!"
"Were gods... we can change our age appearance" (I'm sorry, I just feel like, yes, they love each other, but I still think they would wait till an appropriate age to get married.)
"Yep. that's us! The super cool-" Annabeth had slammed her hand on her bo-husbands (that age thing is forever going to be weird to me) mouth and shot me an apologetic smile before her face turned hard. "Percy, here, was supposed to take you to camp," she rolled her eyes while he put on a lopsided smile. "But it looks like we'll both have to take you now 'cause he's such a seaweed brain."
"Umm, me too?"
Percy grinned at me, "that's what wise girl just said," he then smiled warmly down at her. (reminding me that I was single as a pringle😭)
"Ok..." I muttered as Annabeth grabbed my arm and pulled me out the front door of the school, the eyes of the students trailing me. (and Percy, he was trailing me too, duh)

"Ok, so, let me ask again... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! I mean, cool, you guys are half-bloods, but WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ME?!" (this is my mood, like, 24/7)
"Dude, look up," Percy told me, both his and Annabeth eyes locked above my head.
I looked up to see a fading sign of a bow and arrows.
"All hail Tj eza, son of Apollo."
YEP, sorry that too. So long to get out XD I'm on Vacation so I'm having a little trouble with finding time to write. Tell me if anything is wrong! BYEZZZ~stunnigly27

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