Julia Wallner-demigod

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disclaimer: I do not own the percy jackson series or any of its characters, if you like this fanfiction and you haven't read percy jackson by rick riordan yet, then what are you doing here? go read it!

Julia Wallner POV

I had discovered that some new neighbours were moving into the house next door (thank goodness, it had been empty for ages), so I got my husband Fredrick to help me bake them an apple pie. We finished the pie and put it in a basket that would support its weight and size without ruining it.

"Come on Freddy, let's bring our new neighbours their pie!" I called to him, as I had finished wrapping it and he was washing his hands.

"I'm coming, Julia," I heard him call back. You see, Fred and I have a secret, were demigods. I'm a offspring of Apollo and he's an offspring of Demeter, were both 46 which is (i think) one of the longest lives of any demigod today. We were also very famous back in our youth, we went on one quest together in which we went to Florida to kill a group of five hellhounds that were terrorizing the poor people! Anyway, back to what we were doing.

We left the house and walked to the neighbours front door, it was a relatively big house and looked suited for maybe a four/five-person family. I rang the doorbell, and a muscley boy of maybe 21 with messy black hair and sea green eyes answered it.

"Hello, you must be our new neighbours!" the boy said, "I'm Percy, we just moved here."

"Hello, I'm Julia Wallner and this is my husband Fredrick Wallner," I said, wanting the boy to let me in and show me his parents so I could give them the pie. "Are your parents home?" I asked politely.

He looked at me and chuckled, before stating, "no, my parents don't live here,"

"You live in this big house all alone?!" I exclaimed, shocked by how the parents of this boy thought he would be enough for this. He had a tattoo, that was enough proof already that he was a bad boy.

"Please, do come in," he said, surprisingly polite (but I wouldn't let that fool me!)

I walked in to see boxes spread across the floor, a blonde woman and two children running around trying to set things up. "Meet my wife Annabeth, and my son Max," he pulled a little boy maybe one year old over (BUT SOMEHOW STANDING?! THIS KID IS CRAZY!) to him. The child had striking grey eyes (that reminded me of eyes my friend Maribella, daughter of Athena had) and dishevelled black hair. "And my daughter and max's twin, Luna." he pointed to the other child, she had blonde hair in a bob cut framing her face and eyes that seemed to swirl between blue and green.

"Children?! At your age! That is crazy!" I gasped, no one should ever have children at such a young age, much less get married.

"There were special circumstances," he informed me. "We went through a lot together, both my mom and Chir- my mentor thought it was perfectly fine." hold up. Was he about to say Chiron?

"Are you a demigod too?!" he gasped, I must have said that out loud...

"Yep, you did."

"Oh, well then yes. My husband and I both are," I tell him, shocked I could have stumbled across a fellow demigod after not seeing one in years.

"Who is your parent?" he askes, not realising he is looking at some of the most famous demigods ever (a/n if only she understood...🤣🤣)

"Apollo," I said proudly, hoping for him to make the connection between my name and parent. He doesn't.

My husband steps forward, "Demeter," he tells Percy.

"Well, that's neat," I'm expecting that he recognises us and askes for an autograph, but what he said next really changed my mindset, "I'm a son of Poseidon, and my wife is a daughter of Athena." ok, whaattttttt? First off, don't they loathe each other? Second, POSEIDON?!?! That's crazy powerful!

"Wow, that's strong sent, life must be really hard for you," I tell him, feeling really bad about my earlier adatude.

"No kidding," he joked, "well, maybe we'll see you around soon," he said as I gave him the pie and made my way for the door.

"Bye!" I call back cheerfully.

That night my husband and I took a trip back too camp half-blood to learn of the adventures of Percy jackson and his wife. Let me just say, I have never been more impressed.

hey guys! I hope you liked it, I was trying to do something new and go in the prospective of an adult. please, as always, tell me if I got someones personality wrong or if you think I could inprove my writing in certain areas, because right now I know my stuff is bad but i'm trying to get better. BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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