Brendon Clarke-mortal (mist)

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disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series. I am a girl, not a grown man. I am a human, not a tr-HUMAN. I am especially not the kind of person to leave my readers on cliff hangers (literally). all right of Percy Jackson go to Rick Riordan.~stunningly27


Brendon Clarke POV

Hi, I'm Brendon Clarke. I guess I'm supposed to tell you the story of how I got rejected.

I go to peace-range high (a/n I have no Idea if that's a real school) and I'm a regular kid, not a popular, but not a nerd. My friends are Drake and Penny (who are dating), Jacob and Anika (who are dating), and Annabeth. Annabeth has Honey blonde hair with princess curls that cascade's down her back when it is not in its normal ponytail. She has the most perfect tan and perfect curves (a/n It is so uncomfortable writing this...) and dazzling grey eyes that calculate your every move. She is the top student in every class (even though she's dyslexic!), and in case you can't tell, I have a little crush on her. Fine, I have a huge crush on her, but we're soulmates! It's super obvious that she likes me because whenever anyone asks her out she says 'I have a boyfriend.' this one time I even overheard her describe him! Black hair? Check! Green eyes? Well, there blue, but its the thought that counts. Check! She's telling everyone that I'm her boyfriend! (a/n this idiot)

Since she still hasn't asked me out, I'm gonna ask her today, after school. It's gon-


There's the bell! I gotta go find Annie(don't tell her I called her that)! I was walking outside when I saw Annabeth, looking beautiful as ever.

"Hey, Brendon!" she called to me, walking over, "do you wanna come over tonight?"

"Yes!" I answered a little too quickly.

"Ok, here's the address," she said, handing me a little slip of paper. "Try to come over after 6:00 but before 7:30, ok?"

"Yep!" I told her, "I'll be there!"

~'~this time skip to at Annabeth's apartment's front door (later) is named duck, he wants to go back in time to stop Percy's panda pillow pet from dying.~'~

I stood at the door to Annabeth's apartment and knocked on the door. After about ten seconds, Annabeth answered the door. She was wearing a faded orange shirt tucked into some skinny jeans and she looked amazing (amaZhang).

"Come in" she smiled at me, "do you wanna play some video games? We have Mario cart somewhere." hmmm, she said 'we' I thought she lived alone? Eh, whatever, she probably just miss spoke.

"Umm, ok, "I said, kind of disappointed that she just wanted to play video games.


~'~time skip to after playing for like 30 miinutes~'~

We were still playing the game and having some fun when Annabeth froze up and dropped the controllers.

"Percy! Why did you leave me?! Where am I?!" she screamed like she didn't know I was there.

"Errr... do you wanna play something else?" I asked, confused.

Then she started trashing, kicking her legs and arms everywhere. I suddenly got the idea that maybe if I kissed her she would snap out of it (a/n this dude just doesn't get it), so I tried to approach her but got a kick in the gut. At that moment, a boy my age with messy black hair and sea green eyes ran into the room, looking like he had been sleeping.

"What the heck-" I started, but he pushed me out of the way and ran to Annabeth, dodging every one of her kicks and punches and cradled her in his arms.

What does he think he is doing with my soulmate?! I thought.

He started stroking her hair and muttering things to her in a weird language I had never heard before.

"P-percy?" she said as her eyelids fluttered open.

"I'm here, wisegirl," he told her before he leaned in and kissed her.


"She is my girlfriend Annabeth, so I'm kissing her," he said in a deadly calm voice.


"Brendon, I suggest that you leave me and Percy's apartment now before one of us gets out of control and brakes your nose, or worse," Annabeth stated in the same deathly calm manner.

"BUT WE'RE-"I started.

"OUT!" they both say, giving me a death glare.

I ran from the house, quickly grabbing my bag on the way out and made a beeline for my car.

I'll get her at the ten-year reunion. (it's like a get together for the people who went to high school/college together)

alright, that's it. I might make a part 2 to this later, but for now, it's done.                                          Hope you have a nice Day! BYEZZZ~stunningly27

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