Slow hands

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💔Travis' POV💔
You know that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy, and the only thing in focus is you and this person? Well I'm experiencing that right now and the only thing I can think of is Rhonwn's lips on mine. She's kissing me. I repeat Rhonwen is kissing me. I always thought I would be the one to kiss her, but apparently I'm wrong. No matter how far apart we are, or anything we always find ourselves back to each other. Sometimes you meet someone, and it's just so clear that you belong with them on some level. As lovers, or friends, or family, or even as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you're in love or you're partners in crime. You'll be lucky if you find all of these in one person. In this case this person is Rhonwen, or at least for me it is. It's like, you meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, and they help you feel alive. I don't know if it's just a coincidence, or fate, or just sheer luck, but it makes me believe in something. Some people search their whole lives to find what I've found in her, and I'd be damned if I let anything jeopardize that.
She puts her hands on either side of my face, and the room falls away. I get lost in the kiss and the space between us explodes. My heart rapidly beats against my chest and my arms can't bring her close enough to me. I taste her lips and right there I realise, I have been starving. I have been waiting for this for forever. I kiss her back slowly and take my time. She lightly moans and my lips move to her neck. She tangles her hands in my hair and I grip her thighs before picking her up. I carry her to our room and sit her down on the bed. I look into her eyes and say the three words I have been dying to say.
"I love you" I say
"I love you too" She smiles
I leans back in and the kiss becomes hungry. She tugs at my blue shirt which I let her pull over my head. Her hands trace my abs while I go back to kissing her neck. My hands play with her shirt for a few seconds before pulling it off. She tries to unbutton my shorts but I pull her hands away and hold them in mine. She tilts her hand, giving me more access as she moans. My hands roam her body and unbutton her shorts. I push her onto her back and kiss down her body.
"I ache to know every crevice of your body" I whisper against her, letting my fingers explore her body gently.
"I want to know you intimately" I whisper in her ear
She gasps as my fingers get dangerously low. I kiss her neck lightly and she starts whimpering,She lets out a breathy moan before I kiss her shoulder.I whisper in her ear asShe moans out my name and I nibble on her ear."And most of all, I want to know how your body feels when it's touched by mine" I say kissing her. "Wait" I say against her lips "I'm on birth control" She says And with that I make love to her...

💖Rhonwen's POV💖
I wake up with Travis' arms around me. I smile and snuggle further into them. The familiar smell of mint invades my nose. I rest my eyes for a few moments before opening them back up. I check the clock and decide to get up and check on Rosie. I slowly unravel myself from Travis and wrap the sheet around me as I walk over to my closet next door to put my robe on. I carefully put the sheet back on the bed as quickly as possible so Rosie doesn't see.
I quietly close our old bedroom door and walk to Rosie's room. I slowly push the door open a little and see that Rosie is still sleeping, so I pick her up and walk back in to mine and travis' room. I lay her down in his arms and I walk back to the kitchen and make coffee. As I lean against the counter a pair of strong arms wrap around me. Travis kisses my shoulder and I smile. I turn around and hook my arms around his neck and kiss him.
"Well that's certainly a nice way to wake up every morning" Travis smiles
"Good morning" I smile "Rosie is still sleeping so I thought I would take her through to you and I would make breakfast"
"I have a better idea" Travis says "Let's go back to bed"
"We can't have do anything again Rosie can wake up any minute" I say
"Who said anything about that?" He asks "I want to sleep together. I don't mean sex, I mean sleep. Together. Under the blankets, in the same bed. With your hand on my chest and my arms around my two precious girls. Preferably with the AC on high so we have to cuddle closer"
"I've missed this. Us" I smile with tears brimming my eyes "I still love you. I've never stopped actually"
"I love you more" He smiles "And I don't mean I love you more than you love me. I mean I love you more than any obstacle we're going to face. No distance can keep us apart. I want you to know that I choose you and I will choose you over and over without a doubt. And I will keep choosing you in a heartbeat"
And at this moment I realize that the best love is the one that makes you a better person, without changing you into someone other than yourself. The love I feel for Travis is a forever type of love. I missed the feeling of his slow hand around my waist.

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