Last goodbye

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This was it this was Travis's last day this was the day of my siblings concert. And it was the last song.

Once the concert was over i went backstage to find my siblings and Travis as he stayed backstage for the show. So I didn't have to bump in to him. When we find them in the crowd we start taking pictures. First it was one with Travis and Riker, then travis,Riker, Mom,. Then it's the boys and Rydel. Then it's me, My siblings, and mom. Then it's Travis, His mom and his dad, one of Riker and Maddie and Rydel Ellington and Ella. Then one of us all together.
"Now you and Travis" Mom says
I stand beside Travis and smile into the camera. Travis  puts his arm around my waist and pulls us closer for the picture. After pictures we all go back to the house to get ready for the after catwalk party. And when I say us I mean me. I go into my closet and choose a short white dress with a cream flower pattern with spaghetti straps. I also choose black sandals, and a silver necklace
As I get dressed I let my curling iron heat up. Once I finish getting dressed, I sit down and starting curling my hair. After that, I start on my makeup. I put on foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, a little highlighter, eyeliner, and a little mascara. As I come come downstairs I hear Riker and Travis  talking.
"When does your plane leave?" Riker  asks him
"Tonight" Travis  replies
"Are you going to say goodbye to Rhonwen before you leave to Hollywood ?" Riker asks
"I don't think I'll be able to leave if I don't" Travis says
I smile to myself before putting on a straight face on and walking in the living room.
'"Hey" I smile
"Congrats " they both say at the same time
"It was a killer show"
Maddie walks in the house and runs to Ryland and kisses him. I clear my throat and they pull apart.
"Thanks for not saying hi to me" I sat sarcastically
She laughs and jumps on me. "Hiii"
"Get off me you crazy psycho" I laugh
She gets off and holds hands with Riker. We go outside together and see Mason cooking on the grill. I go to the table of food and just the look of the hot dogs make me want to puke. I skip over to the hamburgers and only grab one. I sit down on a lawn chair and start slowly eating it scared to throw it up. Once the burger is gone I lie back and relax. Rydel sits down in the chair next to me and sighs.
"What?" I ask
"Are you ok?" She asks
"Just feel sick" I state
"But you didn't earlier" She says slowly
She knows about me and Travis sleeping together after my cat walk. She knows because she came over after I got out the shower that morning and she saw me crying. I told her everything. I even told her that we were so caught up he didn't use protection.
"I'm fine" I tell her
"Are you sure?" She asks
"Positive" I state
"Good" She smiles "Everyone's talking about Shawn mainly the fans though"
"Why?" I ask
"He is engaged everyone else is jealous" She laughs
"Sounds legit" I laugh sitting up
"Are you going to be ok?" She asks "He's leaving after the party"
"I know" I sigh watching Travis laugh and joke around with My brothers "I'll miss him but he's going to do what he loves"
"True" She shrugs
Everyone waves us over and we walk over there slowly to get some cake. Mom got a cake and the whole time she was getting it she cried for some unknown reason It was actually pretty funny. After we ate some cake we sit around the fire and listen to live  music.

When 7pm rolls around Travis stands up.
"My plane leaves in two hours I should go" He says
We all get up and walk to the front yard where his car is, packed with everything. His mom and dad are going to drop him off at the airport and take his car back home. Then this weekend they're going to sell his car and put the money in a bank account so he can buy another one in LA.
He hugs my mom and she instantly starts crying saying something along the lines of how he's always going to be a part of our family. The he hugs Rydel and tells her to keep an eye on me. Next, he hugs Ellington and my brothers . I could actually see pain in his eyes.
"You're going to come down for visits right?" Travis asks them
"Hell yea it's LA" Ross says "I'm gonna come down for a little before the send of summer"
Travis nods and then he comes towards me. I see tears in his eyes before he hugs me. I close my eyes and wish this could last forever. We pull apart and smiles and me.
"Bye Rhonwen" He says with a sad smile
"Bye Travis" I say with tears in my eyes.
He smiles and gets in the car with his parents before they drive off. Riker and Rydel hug me, knowing it's going to be hard. I just don't know if they know how hard it's going to be. At the end of the night, I'm in my room studying for finals when my phone rings.
"Hello?" I ask answering it
"Hello is this Rhonwen Lynch?" A lady asks
"Yes. May I ask who's calling?" I ask
"Hi I'm Linda from planned parenthood. I wanted to call and say that your test results came back positive. Congrats you're pregnant"
My mouth goes dry and I hang up the phone. How in the hell am I going to go through this again. But this time as a single mother. I Saved the last goodbye for him and now it's just one more of our shining memory. I'll Always remember to leave a light on
For him. I just wish I wasn't so stupid. He will always have my last goodbye.

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