Your having my baby

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"Morning beautiful" I here a whisper
"Morning Um I have an ultrasound today"
" yay I get to finally meet my little princess, I was so gutted I couldn't come the other times!"
We get in my car The drive to the clinic is silent. I park in the parking lot in front and get out before locking my doors. We walk in and I check myself in. We sit down in the waiting area. I look around and notice a couple smiling down at the girl's swollen stomach.The door to the back opens and my name is called. Travis and I stand up and follow the nurse into a room. She takes my vitals before leaving the room. After 5 minutes Dr Hartman walks in
"Hello Rhonwen" she says
"Hello" I smile
"I see we got someone new here today" she laughs
"Uh yea this is Travis my husband" I say
"Nice to meet you" he says
"You too" she says "So how's everything been?"
"Exhausting and emotional" I say
"It's normal to feel that way. I see that you have a little bump growing which is good for 12 weeks"
"Yea I've been needing to shop for bigger clothes most of the clothes that fit now are loose or dresses"
"That's normal" she says "The one good thing about being a teen is that your body hasn't matured yet so instead of going to maternity clothes all the time you might actually be able to wear regular clothing in bigger sizes"
"That's great because I' not going to be able to live with maternity clothing most of it is ugly" I laugh
"It really is. Let's get started. Lie down on the table and lift your dress up, I'll give you a sheet to put on your hips" she says
I do as she says and she gives me a tin sheet to put right under my stomach. She squirts the cold gel onto my stomach and takes the scanner and moves around my stomach. She presses a few buttons and then the thump of the heartbeat sounds through the room. Travis and I look at each other and he smiles before looking back to the baby. I watch the screen and tears start clouding my eyes as I watch my baby move around."Everything looks great" she says pressing more buttons for pictures
She wipes the gel off and leaves the room to get the pictures.

💔Travis's POV💔
We look at each other. I smile at her before looking back to the screen. She looks back to the screen and her eyes start filling with tears but a second after she puts on a hard face.
"Everything looks great" the doctor says while pressing more buttons
She wipes the gel off Bethany's stomach and leaves the room.
"She's beautiful" I say
"She?"Rhonwen asks
"The baby, I have a hunch it's a girl" I laugh
"I don't know why you're predicting what gender he or she are." she says as the doctor comes back in
"Like I said everything looks absolutely perfect. You can come back on your 16th week" she says

" week you will be going into your 2nd trimester. Your child's vocal cords are developing this week. Their eyes are moving closer together, ears are shifting into position. The intestines move further into the body and the liver begins to function. Insulin production begins. Development continues in the nervous system but the brain is fully formed. The thyroid gland begins functioning as do some other organs. For some women, nuchal fold tests are typically done between week 11 and 14 to check for down syndromes by ultrasound. You also have the option to do amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) at this time. Your baby is now 2.13 inches (5.4 cm) long and weighs 0.49 ounces (14 grams). That's about it so here are your pictures and you may go"
We get our stuff and leave the clinic. She unlocks her car and we drive back home.
"Thanks for coming it means a lot" she says as I get out
"I would have come to the first one if I knew and I would love to see our baby more often" I say before closing the door
"I am sorry for keeping it a secret I was just sacred to tell you and my siblings especially Riker after the way he reacted last time we had slept together even though we are married now."
" it's okay I understand baby"
"Are you tired" I ask
"A little"
"Do you want us to go to bed when we get home?"
When we arrived home we went up stairs and both crashed I was snuggled up to travis's chest when I heard him say goodnight beautiful. She's having my baby.

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