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Currently, I, Ariella Ignes has become Ariella Ignes from the novel Journey Of The Empress, my favourite novel as of current date. I am also currently being fawned over by some maids whom I am not quite familiar with.

I seems that I am down with a fever and my father has yet to return. My mother was not the best person as she only liked her sons and power, but it was known that there was no emotions between my parents' relationship.

My father only married my mother due to it being my grandmother's last wish. It was sad really, to be pushed into an arranged marriage due to a relative's last wish. I somehow pity my father, from the beginning of the novel. I did not quite like my mother though...

Luckily, in the future, my father would meet a wonderful woman that would marry him and make my current mother leave. Of course she takes her sons with her when leaving though, not as if I had cared.

Nonetheless, I am bedridden and has a rising fever. Hopefully I don't die yet... AGAIN.

Well, recollecting my memories of the novella, I decided to set my ultimate goal. That is to capture the second male lead and make him mine!

In the novel, the second male lead was a violent man and he was the son of the commander of the first order. Violent, however, he was very soft and sweet towards Ariella due to his affection towards her. Without Ariella knowing, he helped to clear her path to the top and had stopped people from bullying her in the academy which I will attend sooner in my life. I am totally not looking forwards to it.

The male lead that ended with Ariella, however, was the second prince, Rouge Anastia, a gentle man that brought anything and everything for Ariella to court her.

In my opinion, this superficial relationship lacked sincerity and it ended up true as Prince Rouge just fell in love with the neighbouring country's duke's daughter quick enough despite being married to Ariella.

The second male lead, Edmund Licht, had comforted Ariella before she took her life, showing his loyalty and dedication to his loved one, despite her choosing another, and thus, I, Ariella Ignes will be attempting to seduce Edmund and live happily ever after.

*Cough* *Cough*

Ah, I hope father will come back soon...

Then, the wide doors pushed open revealing a group of maids and my very own mother striding in.

My mother, Charlotte Ignes, just glared at me and pointed to my room, nodding her head as the maids ran in, stashing anything of worth from my room. This included my clock, my dresses, anything that looked luxurious, but I couldn't let them take my token, as that was the ticket to my marriage.

Although I wasn't favoured by my mother, it did not mean that I wasn't favoured by my father. In fact he spoilt me for being his only daughter and also for being so close to him.

I hugged my teddy bear that 'I' grew attached to every since my father brought it for 'me' on my fifth birthday. Yes, it may sound childish, but then again, it also contained all my little treasures inside it, including my token. Bare in mind that I am also currently EIGHT so it would be fine, liking a teddy bear.

I lay in bed, panting whilst acting like a scared bunny. To be honest, maybe I was a little scared but it was tolerable. Charlotte wasn't one known to have beaten her daughter after all. Except, despite knowing this, I was still shaking.

Another pair of footsteps approached, but this time, it was quite heavy and there was another few pairs of feet coming. I smiled, hiding my face in my teddy but what I didn't know was that I was crying.

It seems that my dear mother had yet to realise that someone was coming and was still taking my stuff.

"WHAT IS THIS?!!" My knight in shining armour, my father called out, rage evident in his voice. There was a couple of handsome officials behind him and they too were looking with shock and disapproval.

"D-daddy!" I gasped, tears still streaming down my eyes as I jumped out of bed and stumbled towards him, bawling my eyes out.

Crying was definitely not a good idea as my breathing restricted due to my fever and I started to pant heavily without getting any air in my lungs. This time, I really panicked.

My father too, didn't know what to do and just hugged me, patting my back.

Luckily, there was a person familiar with medicine with my father's group that checked me up and popped a sweet in my mouth.

"There, there, sweetie, calm down."

I nodded and rubbed my eyes, whilst moving closer to my father. He picked me up and continued to pat my back. Then he scoffed.

"Charlotte! What kind of atrocity are you doing?! First you don't help my daughter when she is ill, next you even dared to come here to steal things! GET OUT!" He roared, making my ears shake.

I buried my head between his neck and shoulder, holding my ears. Maybe I was influenced my by little body, but I am acting like a child.

My mother was then left on the ground whilst my father marched off with me and his colleagues to his study room. I felt a little drowsy on the way and totally relaxed on his chest, letting my eyelids close.

Feeling me drop, I felt my father patting my silver hair as the door to his study opened and he dropped me on the couch.

I decided to finally sleep, because, I am sick after all and a sick person must recover by sleeping lots...

I could feel something press to my forehead and heard a deep voice, saying to me  'Sweet dreams, princess.'

I smiled and truly did have sweet dreams that day, of all the memories that Ariella should have had.

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