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Her voice was hoarse. It was ever so hoarse that it seemed almost irreparable.

That faint whisper wasn't loud at all, but there was no way that Matthew could have ever not heard that call that he had always wished to hear.

Then, in an instant, there was chaos as Matthew's secretary, Roger ( ^3^ What are you doing here?) ran off to find the doctor as quick as possible.

Matthew scrambled his way back beside the bed and held onto his daughter's grown hand as he held hope again, tears pricking his eyes for the first time in years.

It was in his blood as well as his daughter's blood to be stubborn and that couldn't he helped.

The doctors raced in and checked the conditions of the just awoken Ariella whilst asking Matthew who was still holding onto his daughter tightly to step back for a while so that they could truly perform a thorough checkup.

Reluctantly, he let go as the doctors swarmed the bed.

"Doctor Nijika she doesn't need this machine on her anymore, she could breath on her own now. Miraculously there is actually nothing wrong with her lungs!" A male doctor called out, making Ariella jolt a little.

"Doctor Rouge! How many times have I told you to call me Ann? My first name is too weird! And I could see all your diagnosis for myself! Stop checking the same things that I am checking!" The female doctor shouted out.

At that time, both father and daughter thought the same thought:

What kind of doctors are you?

"Ahem... Mr Ignes, your daughter has been in a coma for too long so she will need some rehabilitation but overall, hopefully she would be able to make a full recovery soon enough. It is a miracle that she is not hurt too bad!" Doctor Nijika announced happily and I found her bubbly personality similar to the mage Nijika in my dreams.

When the group of doctors hurriedly left with sheets of reports in their hands, Matthew went to sit beside his daughter and looked at her with a soft smile.

"Sorry, Ariella... This time I have to apologise. Sorry for leaving you alone for so long. Sorry for neglecting you like that. Sorry for not being able to keep you safe." He bowed his head, bitting his lip as he couldn't bring to lift his head up high like how he does in front of cameras and business partners.

"I'm sorry too... For making you wait so long." Ariella croaked, smiling under the mask and the resemblance between father and daughter could be visibly seen.

From the door, Roger cleared his throat.

"Sir, you have to head out to your next meeting or we will be late for the conference later on." He said looking expectantly up at his employer.

Matthew seemed hesitant but he still had to go.

"Dad, go." Ariella said as she closed her eye. "I'll be here sleeping."

With one last look and a kiss on the forehead, he left the room with Roger and headed off to his business.

2 Months Later

It was a bright summer day, with the sun cheekily peeking through the clear and clean windows as a girl sat on the hospital bed.

She looked more plump than before where she was just a bag of skin and bones and her face had grown some colour, making her look for healthy and cheerful. Her chocolate coloured brown hair had grown long and beautiful that had a caramel sheen on it when the sun shone down on it.

Browsing on the phone, she looked at the latest news and gossip as she giggled every now and then.

Ariella was amused at the news that seemed to carry all sorts of truths and falsities, somehow making it a good source of entertainment. Even her father seemed to be caught up in a lot of accusations that were definitely not true, for example a scandal with the soft-voiced singer, Yulian Wright...

Then, the door slid open and for a moment their eyes clashed and the wheel of fate began moving all over once again.

"Excuse me, this was outside your room. Could you have possibly dropped it?" The familiar yet unfamiliar cool and deep voice said as that handsome face had resembled 'his' so much in her eyes.

He held a soft and peaceful expression as his tall posture was straight and casual. In his hand was a small notebook that was bound together by a piece of red string oddly yet elegantly.

"Ah... Yes. That's mine. Thank you very much." She said from her bed and began to get off but he made his move first and took a step inside.

Each step that he took made her heart pound loudly and her face began to heat up abnormally. It was always how he had influenced her.

He walked over with his large strides and put the book in her hand but the string had just unraveled, making them both reach out to catch it.

They only caught the string, the red thread tangled in their hands whilst the note book opened up to a drawing of Ariella and Edmund looking at the sun together.

It was always fate that had brought them both together.

Ariella thought about the time she had just entered the coma and had set her goal earlier on to seduce the second male lead and couldn't help but giggle.

The clueless man in front of her looked slightly bewildered as he watched the girl in front of him but she had already made up her mind.

This man was so alike to Edmund, my second male lead...

This time, I would just have to seduce my only male lead...

They were given a second chance and Ariella decided to make her delusions into reality. To become the heroine of her own story and to live happily ever after.


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