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Malicious laughter filled the air as a mummy-like person appeared from behind the velvet curtains. His smirk and red eyes sent shivers down my back, whilst the bandages that covered his skin was soiled with dirt and dried up blood. Even his head was covered.

"Who on earth are you?" I asked, readying my hand and spell in my head, in case anything were to happen.

"I am Gores, the messenger of the shadow world, the place where you now belong." He cackled, his broken and hoarse voice sounded like a rock scraping against rough sandpaper, making me cringe at the sound.

"What have I done to have the honour of you visiting me?" I asked mockingly, still pressed back to the head of the bed. I didn't show my nervousness. I couldn't show my nervousness.

"I am here to bring you back from the orders of his majesty the king." Gores replied.

"Bring me back? Where was I in the first place?"

"Hehehe... You were the only person that woke up after being sent to the Graveyard. This had made the king interested in you. Be honoured."

"Ha! I should be honoured? I had spent a long time there already and you want to take me back? Isn't that a bit selfish? I want to stay with my family, and not a dark world that left me sleeping!"

"No matter what... You will know you come back. For the better." He whispered before disappearing into the darkness. I jump up, almost immediately, spreading the curtains open to find nothing.

I grit my teeth and sighed, flopping back into bed.

Could those dreams be real? I... Am I really her too?

Before anything else could happen, Rouge entered the room, of course after knocking.

He hurriedly ran over to the bed side anxiously seeing me lie down with a troubled expression.

"Hey, Ariella. Are you okay? You will be released soon. We are only checking just in case anything had happened to your body." He said anxiously, patting my shoulder timidly.

"It's already too late. Just let me leave." I mumbled. I wanted to spend as much time as possible staying with my family and Edmund. This was horrible. The worst.

I'm cursed...

Rouge simply looked down onto the bed and nodded silently before making his way out of the room. He probably felt that I had found out something about my condition, and it wasn't good, but he also felt that confining me here did nothing either, so he came back with the king that ordered for me to be freed and he helped me return back to the Ducal house.

I saw my dad, looking dazedly outside his study window and smiled lightly.

I had made up my mind. After spending as much time possible with my loved ones, I will leave once I feel that I can no longer suppress her.

Already, it seems as though she is trying to break out but I could also feel my hold on her.

I took a deep breath as the guards opened the doors for me and I pulled on a sad smile, striding through the familiar doors in which the interior had barely changed since I had left.

I walked in with my eyes closed peacefully as I remembered the steps to my room and I had made it successfully.

Possibly, the family had kept the house as it was from before I came home so that I wouldn't be unfamiliar with my home...

Opening the door to my room, I found it clean and shiny, the same as ever.

My wardrobe was still left untouched and my vanity was also how I had left it. It was almost as if I had never left in the first place and everything was still normal.

I fiddled with the ring on my right hand as I silently ran my eyes around the room that I had missed ever so much. The room that lay vacant, trapped in time whilst I was away. I began to reminisce of those beautiful memories that I had way too little of.

Memories of father, Edmund, Rouge and all of my other friends. I did not know Elise or Yulian too much so maybe I should hang out with them more. Maybe I could meet now friends as well or also enemies which made this world seem more novel-like, but I had given up with comparing this world to that novel. Although the characters are the same, the plots are completely different...

A knock disturbed my thoughts as I let out a little, "come in" and small hands turned the knob to enter.

I smiled at the timid Elise that stood, watching through a small crack of the door cautiously and expectantly.

"Come in, my dear." I beckoned her in as her little steps walked in and closed the door behind her. She ran over and landed on my lap cutely.

"Hello." She said, her large doe eyes looking at me closely.

"Hey, baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Snow rabbit, Elise still has. Thank you sissy!" She said with her adorable voice, making me swoon.

Ah, what a sweet human being! She is so pure and innocent!

"Yup, because it was made from magic. I have preserved it, so it is only when I am dead, will it start to melt." I explained patiently.

"Sissy can't say that. You won't die yet. You are still young like Elise." She slapped her small hands onto my cheek, making me smile wider.

"Yup, yup, I can't possibly leave yet. I still have to explore the world!"

"Take Elise with you too!"

"Yup! I'll take Elise and father and mother too."

"And Eddy?" She asked.

"Of course." My features turned soft thinking about him. My love.

"But you know, you said little bunny won't melt until you are gone." She asked, making me feel goosebumps coming up onto my skin.

"Y-yeah... What's wrong?"

"You know... My little bunny. It turned black."

Seducing The Second Male LeadWhere stories live. Discover now