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During the tiresome journey, I woke up and slept and woke up and slept again, repeating the cycle. Of course I ate and did my necessary functions as a human being too, but the main thing I did was sleep after all.

From time to time, my new friends came to visit me and Edmund saw me more often, each time carrying his rare, beautiful smile, and we are closer now, talking together about secrets that we wouldn't tell anybody else and sometimes, he stayed in my carriage when father had to go to the king's carriage.

We became something like boyfriend and girlfriend, the term from my past life and I quickly grew out of my depression.

I was finally shook awake when the bright sun peered into the carriage and a bridge of seven colours greeted my eyes. A rainbow.

The skies were clear and the air seemed fresh. It was almost as if we were transported into a different world.

I sat up and watched the scenery pass by with a gentle smile. I've gotten better in this short period of two days. Although I had a heavy fever on the first night, I rapidly recovered in the next morning. My body is not as heavy as before, although I can occasionally feel faint, but, I guess, that abnormal amount of rest did me good.

"Ella, we are almost there, my dear." Dad said, smiling at me whilst he rested his head on his palm.

"Hmm. I'm happy. It's beautiful."

My dad stayed silent for a while, not taking his eyes off my dazzling smile and sighed in relief.

"Thank god. You must continue to smile. You must be happy." He reached out to touch my cheek and then, lifted me up to sit on his lap on the bench. It was a nice change as my bones ached from the softness of the pillows, if that was even possible.

When we reached our destination, father helped me out and we entered some prepared lodgings so that we could get ready for the audience of the elders of the Sacred Land.

A maid dressed me whilst I was daydreaming about something that I can't even remember about, now that I have reawakened my consciousness. In the end, I became a beauty without noticing.

My white hair was arranged into a slightly messy but elegant plait, that had green ribbons and flowers intertwined in it and my skin glowed. Emerald earrings that shone with the light and my long simple emerald ball gown, decorated with hints of gold. It was simple but gorgeous at the same time, a style that the elves and spirits would tend to prefer.

It was topped off with a veil-like cape that hung onto my shoulders.

My injury was covered with long gloves and I smiled in the mirror, surprised with the transformation from a sickly girl to a breathtaking goddess.

Father came in soon enough, all dressed up formally with his usually royal blue uniform and his cape with the family crest in it. He smiled and offered his arm whilst we left the lodging and started to fly to the castle.

Fly, was not technically flying, but rather my father and I created thin slabs of ice to step on and push ourselves up midair.

I noted that there were barely any vehicles in the Sacred Land, probably because they deemed carriages as horse abusers. Everyone traveled on foot or by magic but nobody relied on animals. Animals just walked beside them, which was what I really liked and respected from the elves and spirits.

Arriving at the castle gate, we could see actual elves up close that looked like deities and princes of foreign countries, with pure and noble images.

"Greetings, dear elves. I am Duke Ignes of the Anastia Kingdom, here to send greetings to the esteemed elders." Dad bowed as I followed suit and bent down a little, holding my dress.

"Greetings, guest, allow us to guide you all in." The elf said, smiling lightly but blinding the servants that stood behind us.

"Servants will stay here and wait." Father commanded as him and I alone stepped forwards to enter. Even Roger did not come in because he had to supervise the servants and knights.

It was an outstanding castle that was full of nature and simple elegance, making me fall in love with the complex structure in an instant.

As the wide double doors opened, I was greeted with a magnificent sight of four wise elders sitting upon something that seemed to be a throne made out of wood and earth whilst many extravagantly dressed nobles grinned and tried to make connections with the elders.

My brows dressed as I looked at the heavy make up and puffy, jewel-adorned dresses of the women and the expensive suits of the men.

I today had minimal make up to make myself look a little more livelier and my dress was simple and plain whilst my father did not carry much ornaments, nor gold or silver to show his respect and sincerity to the elders.

What we want is not money or power but friendship.

We both stepped forwards and went on our knees to the elders as we bowed.

"Greetings, esteemed elders of the Sacred Land. It is an honour to meet you all again." My father began.

"It is an honour to meet you all, elders!" I repeated after him.

As we knelt, I heard a couple gasps and sneers that began to belittle us for prostrating in front of some elderly people.

"Oh, good Duke of Anastia. It is good to see you again. May this old one ask, who is this little one that you have brought with you this time?" The man with a long, white beard asked, his wrinkles becoming more apparent as he smiled cheerfully.

"Replying to Elder Gratia, this is my beloved daughter, Ariella."

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