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Yulian slowly made her way towards me whilst I saw her up close for the second time.

She had a soft smile as she pulled her shy daughter along as she took my hand in hers.

"It's great to see you again, Ariella, my child. You do not know how worried Ain and I was." She had tears, falling down her face as I gasped and wiped them off.

"Thank you for being with father, mother. I'm glad that it was you whilst I was away." I grinned happily, making an ice rose for her and putting it on her silky, blue hair. I also turned to my little sister and handed her a little ice bunny as she slowly accepted it, quietly and she quickly hid behind her mother's large dress.

"I'm glad that you accept me, Ariella. You father has told me all about you and how you grew up. I wish to restore your memories of a mother, if I may."

"Please, mother. I always had wished for someone like you to care for me. Although father and loved me very much, there was still something quite missing. Please, don't talk to me too formally, mum, it makes me feel so far away."

She stepped forwards to pull me into a hug as I felt her stomach move a little.

I smiled happily and felt in bliss as she stepped back to face me once again. Then, she turned towards the purple-haired woman that was crawling up onto her feet, her face all scrunched up in anger and hatred.

"Hey, you. Do you know who you just tried to raise your hand against?" She asked, her back facing me, so I couldn't see her face, but I knew that it was cold.

"What?! I can't help my daughter now?!" The woman screamed back, more mana gathering at her hand.

"Marchioness Keysha. Your daughter was in the wrong for berating someone of a more higher class than herself and also offending various figures that she couldn't afford to offend. She was entirely in the wrong, so why should you coddle her and defend her?" Mother slowly and calmly explained, her aura becoming more dominant.

"Why?! This crappy girl that was summoned by the demon's gate! Why must she come up to me who achieved my position in the student council, and stand like my equal?! SHE IS JUST A LOWLY TAINTED GIRL!!!" Elaine shouted with the very little power that she still had from Edmund choking her.

All of a sudden, a current began to flow through her body and she shook as she was electrocuted and she was quickly flung towards the ground.

Yulian quickly took action too as a blue mist was released from her fingertips and it entered into Elaine's body, making her shiver and scream in pain. Blood was beginning to seep through her skin as bruises rose to the surface of her milky, smooth skin too.

It was a gruesome sight.

"Come on, let's go." Pulling Elise into her arms, and dad pushing my wheelchair, the large oak doors that separated Apollo Academy and the outside world finally closed with a large slam.

"Phil, make sure that your school's student council is fully checked and make sure that all members are rational and composed enough to represent the school." Dad said, directing his words towards an elderly man that was descending the stairs.

"Duke, don't be too angry now. The child and mother both got what they deserved and nobody would dare disrespect your family anymore." The voice was weak with age, yet strong with power, as Phil, the headmaster of Apollo Academy spoke.

"That's right dad, I'm sorry that I snapped a little earlier, but I now understand that it was wrong to be that harsh towards that pair of parent and child. They did not know better." I interfered.

"Hmph!" Yulian turned her head and held onto my hand. "Don't think that anybody could bully you, without your father around, now, I, your mother is around too!"

Yulian is just as described in the novel, but is much more direct to me... I'm confused. In the end, is it the same story as Journey Of The Empress?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and picked up Elise that was edging my way to place her on my lap.

"Hi, Elise. I am Ariella, your big sister." I smiled at her gently, worried that I would scare her, which I think is already too late...

Maybe I had treated the Marchioness too harshly... She saw it too...

Although silently, much to my relief, Elise held onto my hand as she looked down onto the floor shyly.

"Welcome back!" She said quickly with her adorable baby voice.

"Thanks!" I replied back, ruffling her head of light blue hair. It was curly and soft, like the sky.

Edmund then came towards me and knelt down.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked, taking my right hand, holding it carefully as it was my sensitive arm.

"Yup, calm down a little. I'm not that weak!"

"You totally are. Most definitely." Even Johnson insisted.

I hung my head down in defeat. As they drove me away, back up the stairs and into another room that was extravagantly decorated with plush sofas here and there.

I was transferred onto a sofa which I instantly melted into. Elise was beside me, also drowning in the fluffiness.

"Geez, what are these things made out of? Dad, you definitely need to get some for my room." I said, voice all relaxed.

"Me too!" Elise waved her hand up enthusiastically.

"Of course, my two little princesses, but before that, Ariella, did I tell you? You will have to stay in the royal palace for a while for the royal magicians to inspect you and ensure that there is nothing wrong with you. Don't worry, Nijika will be there too." Dad said calmly.

There was silence for:





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