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Even Rogue couldn't act as blatant as he did during my birthday party, as he just stood there, looking at my bandaged arm.

Still in my white and simple nightdress, I guess I looked pretty sickly, especially due to my pale skin.

"What happened?" Rogue finally said with a serious look in his eyes.

"Hmm... A disastrous familial fued?" I chuckled nervously.

"Seriously. Tell us what happened." Edmund said gravely by my side.

"My brother wanted to come with father on this trip... But father did not particularly like Alfie... Our family is kind of split? Me and father and Alfie and mother so I was not surprised that father chose me to come with him. But Alfie could not take the favour that I was given and he came to me with a knife..." I clutched my arm.

Edmund pulled me into a hug tightly but carefully in case he touches my wound and Rouge came up to us to pat my back.

"You will get better..." Rouge tried to say encouragingly.

"No, I won't... I've heard that phrase so many times now..." I felt tears fall down my eyes as I tried to lift my arm for them to see.

I couldn't even bring it high enough to reach him and it was shaking badly.

I gave up and let my hand lay limp back at my side again. I held my face with my free hand that I pulled out of Edmund's as I saw some people watch and gossip on the sidelines.

Then I felt it.

My arm started to shake even though there was no force applying to it and sharp bouts of pain shot up from my fingertips to my shoulder blade.

I fell onto my knees, but before the ground could graze my fair skin, Edmund grabbed my shoulders, making me wince in pain whilst Rouge pulled out his handkerchief to give to wipe off my cold sweat and tears.

The king ran over with my dad and I felt kind of bad as due to my weak state, my dad can barely leave my side, just like now.

He shoved two pills into my mouth before I could calm down and fall limp on my father.

I bit my lip in frustration. I always practiced martial arts and magic to the best of my ability just for father to be proud and so that I could rely on myself in the future.

To be strong.

But now, I am weak. So weak that my father can't be free to do as he desires because I am this weak.

I let myself be lifted up and be placed back into the carriage as I turned my head to the side to avoid looking into my father's blue eyes.

I hated the look of worry and fear in his beautiful eyes that used to be clear and full of joy when he looked at me in the past.

He knew how I felt and withdrew to talk outside the carriage about a few more points about the trip and returned to the carriage, not disturbing me whilst silently sitting on his seat.

He knew that my mood had always been horrible because he also knew how much I put into my magic and martial arts. He could as well understand my emotions.

The trip was slow and seemed to be an eternity as the carriage was filled with silence.

I fell asleep every now and then, but when I was awake, I was filled with boredom and I could only stare at the ceiling.

Bitter feelings swirled in my heart as I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.


The entourage stopped for a break at a small town in the suburbs of the capital city. The people came out to have a breather of fresh air, talk to other companions or even go into down to shop or eat.

As nobles, these people were not used to such long and uncomfortable rides.

Father came down from the carriage to go and talk to his friends that included the king and the imperial chancellor, however he ensured that the carriage was always in sight in case there was any signs of me waking up.

What he didn't know was that I was already awake and I was staring at the ceiling that was extravagantly designed.

As I was dazing off, a voice caught my ear and I began to eavesdrop on the conversation, just outside the carriage.

"Hey, I heard that in this trip this time, the king is planning to ask the king of the Sacred Land for a magic artefact."

"Wow, but isn't that bad for us?"

"Yeah, then the Sacred Land could ask for any favour, even if that includes taking the throne of Anastia. Seriously it's crazy."

"But, why would the king ask for a magic artefact, I'm sure he's fine without one."

"You don't know? Did you not see that sick girl that was wearing her nightgown? Apparently the girl is a cripple and is Duke Ignes' most beloved daughter. The artefact is to heal her."

"What?! How outrageous! The king would risk his throne for a sick girl?!"

I lay frozen on the pillows, trying to comprehend what I had just heard.

Magic artefact? To heal me?

I began to get agitated at the thought of the king kneeling down to save the worthless me.


I didn't want anybody to sacrifice anything for me...

There must be a way in the future to heal without getting that artefact! Wait... This is completely straying from the 'Journey Of The Empress' storyline! This wasn't meant to happen to Ariella? Could this not be the story, but just many coincidences that led me to believe that this was the novel? Even Rouge was such a d*ickhead, unlike his reputation of a gentleman...

Completely confused, Ariella fell into shock at the act that's he had just realised.

This wasn't the 'Journey Of The Empress' at all!

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