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For the next three day, I stayed obediently in my bed, reading about anything in any book that I could grab. It was slightly hard to read a book with one hand, because of turning the pages and all, but I somehow managed.

I wouldn't say that it wasn't boring, but at least the books could ease my boredom and many servants popped in now and then to accompany me. I was glad because the servants were always nice to me and I'm happy that they did not shy away due to our differences in status.

Finally, the day where I could leave my bed has arrived and it was the day where we depart to the Sacred Land.

Today was also the day I officially meet Baroness Yulian. Although she wanted to visit me earlier, as my father told me, she was very busy with her official work due to the trip.

I got onto my feet and slowly walked down the stairs with the help of a maid in my nightwear.

I couldn't wear those fancy dresses I usually wear as it puts a strain on my body so I had been staying in my nightwear for the last three days. Even in the carriage, my father ordered me to stay in my nightdress as it would be more comfortable for the long journey.

The journey from out house to the Sacred Land was surprising long as it was two days straight in the carriage.

Dad met me at the door as he was ordering servants to place things here and there. When he saw me coming down the stairs ever so slowly, he walked over and took my left hand off the maid, leading me to the carriage which made me shocked when I saw the interior.

It was full of cushions and it seemed even more plush than my bed at home.

Dad's strong arms lifted me in and settled me onto the cushions, putting me in a comfortable position.

Then he sat on the opposite side of my 'bed' on the seats that were not full of cushions.

Then, he signalled the carriage driver and the carriage started to move. It was moving and it should have been more rockier if I could recall, however, it now felt as if I were floating. I guess father really put a lot of effort in this...

Before we could depart, we had to meet the rest of the entourage at the royal castle so we made our way there, and I discovered something extremely displeasing as I looked out of the window of our destination.

Rouge Anastia was coming too...

Well, I guess, it couldn't be helped as Rogue was the first born prince, so he should be the direct heir of the throne and so he has every right to go on the trip.

On the bright side, I was now a cripple so he may loose his interest on me...

Lots of important people were gathering around the man that looked like the current king.

He was not as old as I thought, probably the same age as my dad and he was also pretty handsome, but obviously he could not outshine my dad.

I also saw Edmund which made my heart drop.

It's true that Rouge may not like me for being a cripple but it is the same for Edmund too. He may not be interested in being with a girl who can't even feed herself properly, or even hold anything.

My dad told me to stay in the carriage as he went out to greet the people that were coming along.

I could see Nijika run out of the castle, quickly talk to my father and then she rushed towards the carriage that I was lying in and slammed the door open, jumping on me and hugging me.

I let out a loud shriek as she hit my wound and she pulled away quickly, starting to panic. My dad too, rushed over and check my arm, then he gave me a pill which I swallowed with some water. I panted and smiled helplessly at the guilty looking Nijika.

"Nijika. I'm fine. I'm really happy that you came to see me, I haven't seen you in so long." I reached out to touch her check as she also let out a smile.

"Please help me out?" I asked, as she carefully lifted me and put me down on the ground, holding my left hand as I let out a small thanks.

"Ella..." Father called out.

"Come on, daddy. You haven't finished greeting His Majesty the king yet right? Come with me." I let go of Nijika and held my hand out for my dad as he took it and supported me to the crowd.

We fit through and I gave a light bow with a wide smile.

"Greetings, to your majesty the king. Ariella Ignes, daughter of Duke Ignes, pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Lady Ariella! How is your injury? I trust that you are fine now?" King Mitchel asked hesitantly.

"Ah... About that..." I suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Mitchel." Dad said domineeringly, sending a glare to the king.

"Don't mind, my dear. You don't need to say anything." The king quickly corrected himself, patting my shoulder. I nodded my head with a painful smile and thanked him quietly.

I was then led by my father to meet Baroness Yulian which greeted me kindly and gently. She encouraged me and made me feel much better about my injury. I really liked her and it was almost completely set that she would be my new mother.

After that, I saw Rogue and Edmund.

I walked over without any support, making me stumble a little, but luckily, Edmund stepped forth to catch me.

"Uhh... Hey I guess..." I said awkwardly as I clung onto Edmund's arm. He held onto my waist to keep me secure.

"Are you okay? You don't look good." Edmund said. He clearly did not know about the incident, after all, it was a family's problem...

"Um, yeah... I think I'm okay..." I replied vaguely as silence settled in the air.

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