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Watching my father that looked at me with expectant eyes, I laughed and nodded.

"Of course. I know that daddy didn't choose mother from love so I don't blame you, but know that you love somebody, I'm sure that person is a good person and I would like her to be my mummy."

He grew delighted and swung me up in the air.

"Hey! Daddy I'm no longer five anymore, I'm fifteen!" I squealed as he slowly set me back down onto the ground.

"It's great that you are not opposing this. Yulian will be coming with us to the Sacred Land trip next week so you will meet her then, is that okay?" The happiness in my dad's eyes couldn't be concealed.

"Yup. I can't wait! But, what about mother? Are you going to divorce her?"

"I never liked Charlotte in the first place. It was my parents who brought her over to this house. I am only thankful that she gave birth to my little angel, other than that, I couldn't care less of what she did or where she is."

I nodded knowingly and then got up and dragged my father out of the room.

"Now, I'm going to pack in advance for the trip! Daddy should also go and pack so that when you are busy, you won't need to worry. I'm happy for you, daddy!"

Turning round and shutting the door softly, I laughed joyfully and skipped towards the wardrobe, pulling out a bag and picking out some clothes that were easy to move in as well as some formal clothes in case of any parties.

Then, there was a knock on the door as I merely said a little: "come in" before the person let them self in.

I turned to see who it was and was slightly surprised to see my little brother, Alfie, walk in with red eyes, clearly from crying, probably because he couldn't go to the Sacred Land or maybe because our mother was shouting at him, or even both.

When he saw the bag that was full of clothes, his eyes had a hint of jealousy and hatred in them whilst he glared at me.

"What is it, Alfie?" I asked him calmly, continuing to pack my bag with all the necessities that I would need for the trip. It was going to be a month there after all.

"You. You were chosen by father to go on the trip to the Sacred Land?" He asked back, his voice shaking in anger.

"That's right. Do you need anything, to come here, it is very rare." I did not turn back to look at him because from his tone, I could already feel that he was seething.

"Why is it always you that father favours?!!" He raised his voice unexpectedly, making me turn to face him.

"Then let me ask you, what have you done for father to favour you? I have always tried to keep my relationship with father because mother did not want me. I hung onto father's affection because I needed it and I feel that I can't live without him. Alfie, have you done the same? Mother spoils you and you make no effort to know father so why are you complaining now? Let me ask you back, why is it always you that mother favours?"

He froze, not knowing what to reply until his face contorted into that of a demon's.

"Why?! I deserve to be favoured! I am the heir of this household!! It's because I am a MAN and you are a WOMAN! This was not meant to happen! I am the only one that is meant to be loved!!" He started screaming out of something that seemed like desperation.

Then, out of nowhere, he conjured a dagger and charged towards me. I immediately tried to counter with magic but as I got up, I tripped over thin air and the dagger cut deeply into my arm.

I knew he was prepared and had planned to do this from the start as his magic had tripped me up and there is no way he could have coincidentally carried a dagger on his person in the house.

A burst of searing pain erupted from my arm as I could see me white bone from where the injury was, showing how much power and how deeply the damn boy attacked me with.

Furiously, I waved my uninjured arm and a path of thorny ice headed his way, as he whimpered, whilst scrambling back.

He knew he couldn't stand up to my magic because he was only still at the second rank and immediately he screamed as loud as he could, alerting the nearby patrol guards and maids into the room.

I clutched my arm and kneeled down due to the pouring blood that continuously seeped out.

Luckily for Alfie, a guard picked him up and took his out of harms way as the ice stopped as it reached the wall.

"You damned boy! How DARE you!" I shouted, scaring and surprising the employees of the house. They had never seen me angry as I keep my kind and refined attitude on at all times.

Next, my mother ran in, taking Alfie from the guard as she hugged her crying son.

"Ariella! What do you mean by this?! Why did you attack your own brother?! How could you!" She wailed, crying that her son was dying even though he was not injured one bit and I was pouring out litres of blood that made me dizzy.

A couple maids and knights bravely stepped forwards and apposed mother to help me. They tried to bandage my wound and apply pressure so that the blood would stop spilling.

I could barely hold my consciousness as my mother's voice was screeching at the servants, threatening of sacking them from their jobs for helping me, the ungrateful wretch.

Then, I heard my father's booming voice that allowed me to relax.

The servants didn't have enough power to oppose mother and if she wanted to do anything to me whilst I was unconscious, I can't stop it, but since father is here...

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