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Ariella's POV

I could feel somebody, or something touching me, but I could open my eyes. They were heavy as lead and I could barely feel my senses. Voices were muffled as they entered my ears and I could somehow feel that those voices were familiar.

A warm light enveloped my entire being as I could feel my pain wash away and my body gaining their functions back and finally, with great effort, I opened my eyes to meet the bright sunlight that I missed ever so much.

Tears leaked from my eyes that were a bit unfocused and blurry and I could hear the voice getting louder and clearer. Someone, no, more than just one someone clutched onto me as I felt my body weigh down a little more.

"Ariella, my dear child."


"Thank god! Thank god for giving my student back!"

"Ah! She's awake!"

"Ahhh... Thank you for waking up, little missy, you are draining my mana dry..."

"Da-ddy... Ed... Ni-ji-ka... Ro-ge..." I muttered, my throat dry from not speaking for who knows how long now, but I was glad to see the people that I held most dear to me, here when I woke up.

For a moment later, the beautiful, voluptuous, green haired woman continued to bathe me in light as I felt my body get better, to the point that I could somehow sit up, despite my weak bones.

It seems that I would need to have some rehabilitation time before my body could move normally again. Except for... My arm, that still lay limp on my side, but luckily, it seemed that as one of my birthday gifts from the Sacred Land, I was given a healing artefact. Therefore, all I needed to do was go home and wear the ring until I'm all healed up after a period of time.

I leaned on my father as I drank some water and Edmund sat on my other side, holding my hand gently, as if he was afraid that I would disappear again. His face was pale and he clearly seemed to be less cheerful than before which pained me.

"Edmund. Hug?" I asked, smiling at him.

He let out a strained smile, as if he had forgotten how to smile, and held out his arms. Dad carefully passed me to him as I leant on his chest, breathing peacefully.

"I'm sorry everyone. I don't know how long I left for, but I have worried you all." I said all of a sudden, making everyone slightly speechless but they quickly regained their composure to ensure that I wasn't to fault.

"Darling. Your disappearance really shook me and took a piece of my heart away, however, it was not your fault. You tried to protect us all and so the black magician though that it was necessary to target you. You weren't at fault." Father said as he stoked my hair softly.

"That's right. If it wasn't for you, there would be way more casualties. You detected him first and also dealt a significant amount of damage on him. You protected us and so all of them nobles owe you." Rouge assured.

"Just glad that you are back." Edmund added in quietly.

I laughed a little due to my relief and fell into a slumber in Edmund's arms.

I guess I attract misfortune. Seriously, one incident after another... Gosh, my life is so hard...


It was just like before. When I was covered by darkness and this dream grew to be this current nightmare that I had almost every single night.

It was the mirror and I, as well as another me, that had instead of white hair, black hair and instead of blue eyes, red eyes.

It scared me to see the exact identical person with such sinister features close to me as she smiled and laughed. She talked about how my body was hers and how I had been long soiled by the demon's aura. She told me that I was nothing short of a demon...

Running from her chasing silhouette, I breathed heavily and my body became heavy. A mirror was right ahead as what I saw in it horrified me. I had black hair and red eyes, just like that girl that claimed to be me.

My proud features that I inherited from my lovely father had disappeared and was covered in ink and blood.

I shook, abruptly waking up as my father held me up, wiping my tears whilst whispering soft words to calm me down.

"My princess. It's only a nightmare. You are fine now. Daddy is here." He coaxed me until I stopped my tears and fell back onto my bed.

"You will be okay. It's still dark outside, have a rest and in the morning, your mother and baby sister will come and visit you." Father said, slightly shocking me into forgetting my nightmare. "Sorry for marrying without your consent. I wanted to marry after you were found, but I couldn't keep Yulian waiting."

"Nu-uh. I already gave my consent before we left for the Sacred Land, remember. I can't wait to see them!"

"Hmm... Your little sister, Elise, is currently four and your mother is pregnant again. She couldn't come today because she is already at nine months." I nodded in understanding as all the bad thoughts whisked away and I resumed my slumber, dreaming of the potential looks of my baby sibling.

Maybe I was a bit nervous in meeting my new family, but I'm sure that I wouldn't be left out and I'm sure that my new mother and I will get along well, after all, we have met before, and hopefully, her personality is the same that I have read of.

Elise... What a nice name...

I smiled in my sleep as I thought of the cute, little being that was the chemistry of dad and Baroness Yulian.

It was guaranteed that she would have the Ignes' blue eyes...

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