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I forced my eyes open, as I found myself in a shaded place, realising that it was my bed that was covered with the canopy.

I felt a hand touch my head as I turned to see my father, pale, weak and his eyes had dark sags indicting his worry and lack of sleep.

His face was full of anguish, but at the same time, it had a large amount of relief as he stroked my head. My eyes just watched him as I did not have the energy to even move a little.

"Roger! Are you there?! ROGER!" Dad then called, his eyes not leaving mine.

Roger burst in and received his order which was to bring the doctor over so that he could check on me. Roger also looked exhausted like my dad and he smiled widely seeing my blue eyes watching him.

After Roger left, running down the corridor, dad helped me sit up, his body supporting mine as he fed me some water that was prepared on the table. It helped smooth my throat which had seemed dry as though I hadn't drunk water for an entire week.


That shouldn't be the case right?

Pushing away the water with the little strength that I had, I turned to my father to make sure that my bizarre presumption was not true.

"D-da-ddy... How long was I out?" My voice croaked quietly.

"Three days, my dear. You must rest up more so that we can leave on the trip that is in four days time. Don't worry, daddy will prepare everything for the trip and hopefully in the Sacred Land, we could find something to help you and make sure that your arm would not get crippled for life." He answered with his head buried in my hair.

"C-c-rip-pled?" I stuttered in shock.

"Don't worry! I will definitely fix you!" I could feel him shaking, as I looked down to my bandaged arm. Come to think of it, it had been shaking ever since I woke up.

Then, I remembered Alfie that had inflicted my wound and before I could ask anything else, the doctor charged in, followed by Roger.

He checked my arm and cleaned my wound again, making me wince at the gory sight as well as the tear-jerking pain. Applying a green and bitter smelling salve on the wound, he bandaged my arm with a new bandage.

"Now, mistress, please try to lift your arm up to my hands." The doctor instructed, putting his palm a couple centimetres above my arm.

Lifting it, I was surprised to see how much it was shaking. I held onto it with my other hand, panic filling me. The doctor sighed as if he knew that it would happen and my father was close to tears, looking away.

"Wait. Don't tell me my arm will stay like this from now on?" I asked incredulously, letting out a broken chuckle.

"Mistress, I shall be praying for your journey to the Sacred Land to be fruitful and hopeful there is a magic artefact to heal your arm. Or, if you could happen to stumble upon a rank eight light magician then..."

I looked at my arm that lay limp on the bed. When I did not strain it, it would lay limp just like this, but when I made any effort to move it, it would shake and barely follow my intentions.

"Mistress. If you experience pain in your arm and if it shakes too much, here is some pills that I have prescribed for you." The doctor said and scurried out of the oppressive atmosphere.

I turned to glance at the bag full of pills as my face scrunched up and I pushed them off the table with my fine left arm.

That's right, the arm that had gone was my dominant arm...

I screamed out as my father moved to hold me tighter, trying to console me with his meaningless and hopeless words.

My devastated cries filled the entire mansion as the servants huddled together to lament for my loss of an arm. They all thought the same thing as I did.

My future is bleak...

Finally tired of screaming, I fell asleep in my father's arms and before I could fall back into the darkness, I could feel wet drops falling onto my face. I knew, that my father tried to be strong in front of me but he couldn't hold it in. Especially when he knew that the chances of me being healed was extremely slim, even with the trip to the Sacred Land coming up.

I mean, why would those prideful help a human that is below them and they don't even know?


I woke up as the sun peered through the canopy gaps and I found my dad, holding me close whilst he was asleep.

It made me think of the past where we slept with each other every night.

I let silent tears fall from my eyes as I thought about my arm that Alfie ruined.

Dad stirred awoke when he felt my movement and he jolted up, pulling me to his chest as I sobbed sorrowfully.

"D-dad! Alfie! Where is he?!" I cried furiously.

"I kicked him out with his mother." He replied calmly.

"He did this to me! He did it and ran scratch free!"

"Yes, my dear. Don't worry, let me take care of this. I won't let the family he returned to be peaceful!"

"No, let me do it. Alfie is your son after all."

"He isn't. He is a b*stard that Charlotte bred with her favourite lover."

"Huh? Really? Then you won't be sad if I killed him?" I pulled away and asked with wide eyes.

"Do as you wish, my princess." He replied to my question, smiling peacefully, letting me happily plan without feeling guilty towards my father.

Alfie... Heh, I swear, you will pay for ruining my life chances!

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