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Ariella's POV

I felt it.

I felt Ted knocking me out and I felt that thing inside of me trying to get out. Faster than I had expected.

I thought that I was strong enough to suppress her but it seems that I had overestimated myself and also underestimated her. She came out so suddenly I could barely do a thing and luckily Ted was there, otherwise who knows what on earth would happen to Elise.

Drowning in darkness, the nostalgic feeling came rushing through my skin as I felt fear and anger.

Why was I here once again?

I kept on thinking about the shadow realm but after looking around carefully, I realised that there was not just darkness but in the distance, there was a spark of light that seemed so faint that it could extinguish in seconds and I knew I had to head over there.

It also told me that I was wrong. I wasn't back at the shadow realm, but rather, I was within myself. I was here because of her.

Walking towards the spark of light, step by step, I only found myself more and more attracted to it and I couldn't help but reach out and trap it into my palm.


I shook and almost lost my balance as I scrambled back as fast as I could, holding the light towards my chest.

"Where are you? Who are you?!" I cried. I tried to be strong all the time, ever since I had come here but I realised that being strong was only useless. No matter how much times I try to become strong, it just does not work.

Maybe I was just not made to be strong... It was hard.

I watched as a dark mist gathered before me and my surroundings became a wash of white and blue, almost as if all the light was covered by the dark mist in the first place.

It formed to become a girl, identical to me, just with black hair and red eyes.

Yes, it was me again.

"Hi! You know if that annoying cousin wasn't there, I would have gained your weak body entirely!" She giggled. "Hehe! He needs to die I guess..."

"Don't you dare!"

"Why do you even care, it's not as if he is your actual blood cousin. Your family isn't your actual family either is it? It can't be helped that you are trapped in this dream. Have you ever considered? Why this place isn't a replica of your favourite book?" Her laughing tone seemed to be mocking me whilst she looked at me with her blood red eyes, sending shivers down my spine.

"Shall I tell you why?"

"What do you know?! This is my life! My decisions! My OWN life!" I screamed. I wanted to cover my ears, I knew that what she was going to say next was going to impact me. I didn't want to listen at all so I did what I felt like doing and held my ears tightly.

A cold hand held on each of my own hands and pulled them from my ears forcefully.

Her shadow fell upon me and her smile was so wide, it seemed that her mouth was going to change into a shark's mouth to ear me up within any second.

"This is only a fragment of your dreams. Your desires. This all was never real." She began as we both collapsed to kneel on the floor. My head beginning to pound heavily as an earth shattering pain went through it.

"In the real life, you were indeed hit by a truck and is in a coma. Who said that you are dead? It was your own consciousness. This novel world. It was never meant to be the real novel's world. The suffering bestowed to you, all the weird happenings. They were all fragments of your desire! You who always loved drama wanted to create trouble for attention, affection. You always wanted a father's love even if your mother was gone. You wanted true love. You wanted a fairy tale. You wanted everyone to know just how pitiful you are!" She revealed. No, I revealed to myself.

This world was only my imagination. My dream whilst I was actually in a coma.


No, it might be true. I always loved transmigration and reincarnation stories and I always wanted a fairy tale like life.

I wanted everyone to know my suffering. When my mother died. When my father abandoned me because I killed my mother.

I wanted somebody to love me. But nobody did.

However... If this is a dream.

If it is a dream.

Does that mean that nobody... still there is nobody that loves me?

I've always felt that this world was weird. I even felt that my shadow was weird.

Did I really want it all?

This type of story, where the heroine goes through a thousand dramatic hardships, all to end up with true love and a happy ever after.

In the end, this was all an illusion and in my illusion I was still such a horrible person, making people suffer for my satisfaction.

"Say. Were you that part of my mind that wanted to wake me up?" I asked the mirror before me.

She was straightforward in her personality, slightly twisted but she was also free and she faced reality well.

"Of course. Otherwise why would I want to play the villain to myself." She smirked. "Listen Ariella Ignes. You are not from the novel and you will never be from the novel. That play that I had put on with you before you fainted... Let that be your end within that world. You've had enough fun now."

I thought back to the time when I was hit by Ted and then listened to her words again.

She put on that play so that I would have a proper end to my story?

In the end, I was never suited to be a heroine I suppose. Maybe next time I dream, I should be a villainess.

No, I already am one, for letting everyone down like that...


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