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I looked at myself in the mirror and placed my hand on my cheek, adoring my beautiful self.

My dress was sapphire blue it had hints of white whilst my hair was elegantly done with plaits here and there. My sapphire jewellery and hair accessories shone brightly in the light and held on my left shoulder was a cape bearing my family crest.

That was what I had specifically requested as I took pride in my house. Also, it would be soon enough when my mother gets kicked out with my brother as my father and future step-mother will meet today and even share a dance on the balcony.

I have to sneak a peek!

I pulled my cheeks up into a smile and clapped them once, eyes determined and stuck on the mirror. Okay, it's time to start my mission now.

Seduce the second male lead!

I sashayed out of the room and greeted the maids and butlers with a little wave here and there as I headed to the hall, getting ready to reveal myself.

My father was waiting for me near the door, adjusting his sleeve. He was dressed formally and was even more handsome than usual.

Oh, gosh! He's making me blush!

I shook my head and walked up to him, he noticed me and held out his arm which I grabbed and we shared a smile.

"Are you ready, my princess?" He asked, looking at my slightly nervous self.

"Of course I am, daddy!" I lifted my head, hiding my anxiety. He only chuckled at my behaviour and pat my head with his free hand.

"Yup, my daughter will be fine and she will hog all the spotlight today."

Taking a step forwards as the knights opened the doors I pulled a confident smile on my face and walked out to see people wearing various different coloured dresses and suits, all looking pleasing and well mannered.

Almost immediately, I noticed a tall man with deep violet eyes and uneven shoulder length, jet black hair. He was leaning against a pillar, surrounded by his companions and he wore a black tuxedo, allowing women to glance at him every now and then.

Beside him was another exceedingly handsome fellow that had golden hair and emerald green eyes. He was looking at the violet eyed man with a tint of hatred and jealousy in his expression and from now and then, he pumped up his chest to look haughty and proud.

Found them~

Joy twinkled in my eyes as a booming voice announced our arrival and eyes turned to us, who stood at the top of the staircase.

My dad bowed whilst I curtsied whilst a round of applause shook the hall and I took in the pressure of standing in front of an audience.

I pursued my smiling lips and watched the clapping audience with awe. It was indeed pressuring, however, what an amazing experience. I would need to get used to this.

We slowly stepped down the stairs, and then took our positions before we started to dance and begin the ball.

After our dance, many other couples joined in and twirled around whilst I was dragged by my father to greet the people that attended the party.

With a wide and gentle smile, I remembered each and every face, and I also remembered the burning feeling on my back due to my mother's glare.

I turned back to see my brother looking resentful like how he always had done whenever we clashed and my mother was twisting her handkerchief tightly, gritting her teeth whilst greeting some people, attempting to pull in any handsome fellow that catches her eyes.

Finally, it was their turn. At the same time, my mother made her way towards their direction.

"First Prince, Young Master Licht." I bowed, meeting my eyes with Edmund's violet ones. They saw me with interest and a sparkle but Rouge also looked the same, except he showed his emotions more boldly.

"To think that the daughter of Duke Ignes was such a beauty! It was a pity that we did not meet sooner." Rouge spoke out, smiling widely as he analysed my body with lust evident in his eyes.

Gee, I wonder why on earth did Ariella actually like this guy. Look at Edmund! He is a hundred times more handsome!

"It would have been my greatest honour to be aquatinted to the first prince of the Anastia kingdom."

"Of course, Lady Ariella." I nodded out of kindness and then turned to Edmund.

"Young Master Licht. I am Ariella Ignes, pleased to make your acquaintance."

He raised his eyes to mine as my mother started beaming lasers out of her pretty eyes.

"Edmund Licht. Edmund is fine." He quickly said, turning his head away.

"Yes, please do call me Ariella too." I giggled as I saw his ears turn red. As expected of the charm of the female lead!

Rogue seemed to get impatient and spoke out, "Ariella, call me just Rogue too!"

"Please, First Prince, you are the sun of the kingdom, how may I dare? Please mind your manners too, who knows what kind of rumours will pass by if you were to address me so simply." I sneered.

Don't think I will ever like you. Feeling your eyes against my skin sends shivers...

"Edmund is a man too! If it were seen you both were on friendly terms, what would the public say?" Rouge frustratedly protested.

"First Prince, Edmund is of a status that I can reach. We are friends so of course I can dare to call his name."

"Friends?! Since when?"

"My Prince, a second ago."

"A meeting can make you friends?"

"Did he say he wouldn't be my friend?"

"Then let me be your friend too!"

"I beg not. Maybe my brother would be a better candidate for your grace."

"But I didn't ask your brother to be my friend, I asked you!"

"And did I-"

And I was cut off by a hand to my mouth.

Seducing The Second Male LeadWhere stories live. Discover now