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Waking up to a bright sunny day, I forgot about my horrible birthday party and did some stretches to keep my body flexible. Then I got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

When I reached seven, I was finally able to persuade my father to let me get ready on my own as it is quite awkward for an adult woman like myself to be attended to.

I cannot be too lazy!

Slipping on a comfortable yellow dress and applying minimal make-up, I stood up and walked out of the room, towards the dining hall for breakfast.

Naturally, my father who was an early bird was already there, looking at files that Roger had given him already.

"Morning, Daddy!" I called out to get his attention.

He immediately looked up and smiled whilst handing the files back to Roger.

"Shall we eat then?" He picked up his cutlery and began to dine.

It was like any other day. My father and I would just wait for each other and eat. We did not wait for my mother, nor little brother as they ate much later, which I wonder why.

Mother is probably busy with another man and Alfie is neglected until she is done, then they come down together to eat...

We ate, whilst conversing about little things, like how the day before went or if there is any special occasion. It was peaceful and comforting, just how I always liked it to be.

Then, they came, with a bang.

Yes, the door slammed with a bang, showing the amazing strength of the duchess, my mother.

Behind her was Alfie and also, looking closely, trailing behind was a dishevelled man that was adjusting his collar.

"Dear husband, is it true?!" Mother came in, slamming her hand on the dining table, making my drink spill over and some food roll out of their dishes. However, my mother didn't care and continued.

"Dear husband, is it true that you have been given the privilege to take Alfie with you to the Sacred Land?! Whilst you are accompanying the king?!" My mother shouted, her words, making me curious.

Sacred Land? If I could recall, that was the place where elves and spirits resided...

I looked towards Alfie that had a sparkle in his eyes and he was clearly expectant of the current situation.

I then turned to my father, who was wiping his mouth elegantly. I was surprised that he had not mentioned it to me before. Maybe, he was just told too.

So father would be leaving soon...

I turned my eyes to my lap and started to play with my fingers, not caring about my soiled dress that was soaked with orange juice all thanks to my lovely mother.

"Charlotte, who on earth told you that I was taking your son?" My dad asked the freezing mother of mine. I could see from the corner of my eye Alfie gathering some tears in his large eyes.

"Master." Suddenly, Roger interrupted and whispered some words in my father's ears, to which he only nodded with confirmation and moved to get up.

Before he left, he turned to me.

"Ella, go and get yourself fixed up and I will come to look for you soon." He patted my head as he walked by and ignored the shouting mother and the crying Alfie.

A maid nearby just helped me down from my seat and lead me back to my room, giving me a bath again and fixing me into a new dress.

As I looked out the window, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

She's here!!!!

There she was, Baroness Yulian Fresche, my future mother!

I guess my mother won't be staying for long, father looks so happy with the Baroness.

Ah, talented, beautiful, single, the most honourable lady of Anastia, the flower of the upper society. Only such a person deserves my father...

I watched them as they bid farewell with each other in their brightest smiles and my father gave her a gift before letting her go.

Her sky blue hair fluttered with the wind as she departed, leaving my father with a sad smile as he stood near the door.

Roger then appeared and my father returned in and I knew he was on the way to my room.

Soon enough, a knock could be heard and my father came in with a bright smile, pulling me into a hug.

"Ella, my dearest. How about coming with daddy to the Sacred Land?" He asked, leading me into shock.

I naturally heard of the Sacred Land through books as it wasn't a place that one could easily access. Even the king could only go once a year to pay respects. It was a dreamlike place in which I always wanted to visit to quickly I nodded my head furiously, making my father and Roger hold out their hands in case my head went flying and they would need to catch it.

"Then that's good. The king had given me permission to bring a child along to enjoy the sight as many young people will be joining the trip this time.

"Has daddy been before?" I asked, excitement evident in my voice.

"Yes, I have. I've been their several times actually with the king. It's the first that I am bringing my own companion other than Roger with me."

"What is it like?"

"It's a very beautiful place. I'm sure that my princess would love it. It is a place where nature thrives and the water is very clear. Anyways, I have another thing to discuss with you." His tone was slightly serious now.

"What is it, daddy?" I asked, dreamily as I thought of the colourful flower fields of the Sacred Land.

"What do you think of your current mother?"

"Hmm? She's not very nice to me. I don't think she likes me. She only likes Alfie..."

"Do you like her?"

"I don't think so."

"Then, would you like a new mother?"

I shot my head up and looked at him with bewilderment.


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