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Third Person's POV

It was a sunny day at Apollo Academy, the school for elites, and on this sunny day, many newly admitted first years gathered in the school yard to attempt summoning magic for their spiritual companion.

It was always a custom to first contract your first spiritual companion in school so the young adults were all very excited and was looking forwards for this day.

Making their own magic circles, a single adolescent was isolated in a corner, smirking creepily and suspiciously as his magic circle had tints of darkness from within it.

"Hehehehe... Hehe... I will summon a great demon to destroy this world! This world that took away my mother and treated me wrongly!" He muttered to himself, seeming slightly high.

"Okay, kids, it's time so I put your magic into the circle and summon your spiritual companion!" The teacher instructed, keeping a close eye on the students in case one were to fail and cause a magic explosion or even something more serious.

The lone student smiled widely as he inputted his dark magic into the circle and a storm was conjured, alerting everyone of the dark magic.

Edmund Licht and Rouge Anastia was sitting, listening to a lecture, when the mana fluctuations caught their attention and they saw something all too familiar.

Dark magic.

Getting up from their seats hurriedly and speeding towards the academy's yard, they saw from a distance, many first years being thrown away from the tornado as another kid was laughing like a maniac.

As they reached closer, the storm settled down and they could see a curled up figure by the magic circle and the devastated look of the pupil.

The figure was unmoving but they could see the grown female figure and the long white hair that was gathered on the ground.

Widening his eyes at the familiar figure and sensation, he sprinted to the girl, pushing the boy away and holding the female to his chest.

He shook her gently and then a little more roughly, full of desperate emotions.

"Ariella... Ariella... Ariella... Wake up... Come on, Ariella..." He muttered, whilst holding his beloved close to his heart.

He could hear her heartbeat and feel her weak breaths but she wouldn't open her beautiful blue eyes.

"Edmund!" Rouge called out as he ran towards his friend and only saw tears streaming down his strong and emotionless friend's face whilst he held the girl tightly in his arms. "Huh... Isn't that Ariella?" Rouge muttered, disbelief in his face.

He stumbled a bit but from the corner of his eyes, he could see the boy running so he quickly apprehended him with his magic, green vines grasping the boy tightly.

"SPEAK! Where you the one that took Ariella six years ago?!"

The whole yard was silent other that Rogue's shouts and a few whimpers from the injured students.

"What? What are you talking about? All I wanted to do was summon a demon to destroy this world! What does some kidnapping have to do with me?" The boy cried, slightly pale due to his lack of breath.

Johnson then arrived, carrying his sister, Lisbeth. As he put her on her feet, he whispered something into her ears and once again, Lisbeth disappeared from the scene. Johnson came up to Rogue and cut down the vines that was choking the boy.

"Calm down. Just make sure that everyone here would be interrogated later. Apprehend them all first and wait for the others to come. Edmund, bring Ariella to the infirmary, let her be checked up." He ordered efficiently as Rouge silently listened to him and took all those at the scene into the academy's student council room.

Meanwhile, Edmund slowly carried Ariella with heavy steps to the infirmary whilst he was accompanied by Johnson.

Lisbeth had whisked away to the royal castle immediately and informed the king as well as Duke Ignes that was in a meeting. She did not care and burst into the conference room to shout out what happened, making Duke Ignes vanish on the spot. The king was escorting her back to the academy by carriage.

Nijika was at the conference too as she had reached sagehood after years of confinement to fulfil her student's wish and expectation. She dragged her friend, as well as the royal healer to Apollo Academy too.

Soon enough, the entire of Apollo Academy was closed off by royal troops as nobody was allowed entry nor exit without the king's personal permission.

All the students couldn't help but wonder what had happened as many gathered to the student council room to see the speculation.

The king was interrogating the group of students that was brought in from the scene personally as the 7th year, Johnson Way aided the king together with his sister, the 6th year's Lisbeth Way.

They were certainly curious and some bold people wanted to step up and ask about the situation, however, the royal guards did not allow anybody near enough to hear and they also kept their mouths sealed.

The king had to do all sorts of checks on the black magician to see if he was the one that appeared in the Sacred Land six years ago. After hastily confirming that the child was not the same black magician, the king breathed a sigh of relief but he was also worried about the rash actions of the child.

"Gordon, you are a bearer of the infamous dark magic. You must be careful. I understand your grievances, however, you must not act like so. I as the king will repay you as much as I can. All I can do, is not blame you, but thank you. That girl you had mistakenly brought back was Ariella Ignes, the daughter of my dear duke. She was a victim of dark magic and disappeared six years ago. Thank you for bringing her back even if you did not do it on purpose. Because of this, I shall forgive you this once." The king smiled amicably.

The boy called Gordon just nodded shyly, and from then on, Anastia had gained a great ally that wielded the shadows with great loyalty for the royal family.

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