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I looked up to see my father with stern eyes and a hint of anger as he looked towards Rogue Anastia but he still restrained himself.

"I apologise for my daughter's lack of manners, First Prince. Please forgive her." My father bowed as Rogue looked up with satisfaction, his sneer widening.

"Oh, Duke Ain! It's nothing at all, just, I really admire your daughter's beauty. Maybe, one day, we could get closer..." He muttered, scanning his eyes down my body.

Oh, that's it. How dare he look at me like that!

I stepped forwards but was immediately yanked back by my father who had kept his hand on my arm. I sent me a warning with his eyes which I replied with a frustrated and hurt expression.

Before, just because of the novel's ending, I hated Rogue just a little due to him cheating on Ariella, but now? I hate him to bits! No respect for women and see the lust in his eyes! Who knew how many women he slept with whilst he was together with Ariella!

Luckily, Ted intervened before I could blow my fuse and my father could be humiliated anymore due to Rogue's ridicule.

"Hey, Ella. I see you are meeting my classmates." He said, walking over calmly despite seeing my red face. "Here's your present. Happy fifteenth birthday, princess."

I quickly accepted the box and tore off the wrapper, opened the box and was slightly overwhelmed at the amber magic core. It was infused with Ted's magic and acted as a magic reserve bank, something that ranked high in my wish list.

"Thanks, Ted!" I smiled, deciding to drag my father away from Rogue before I lose it again. I pulled my father to a balcony and looked at him with slightly wet eyes.

"Why must you bow down to him like that?! Did you not see how he was looking down on you?!" I shouted, not too loudly in case the guests would be alerted.

"Ella." He sighed, bending down slightly to look at me at eye level. "Darling, his status is too high. Why must you be rash like that? He is a Prince."

"Daddy! Don't tell me you didn't see how he looked at me?!" I cried out, biting my lip tightly.

I could tell that my dad was shaking in anger as he pulled me into a hug. He patted my head lightly and whispered into my ear, comforting me.

"My dear, wait a little more. Grow stronger to the point where you could oppose him. You are a genius in magic, use that to your advantage. Rank five. You have progressed well. Make it to rank twelve and beat him up. However, for now, you must be patient. He is the prince of the kingdom. He could sentence you to death whenever. My sweet, please, be patient."

I released the breath that I held and patted my father's back.

"Hmm... But I won't wait that long. That wretch was literally taking me with his eyes! So, I'll wait for Nijika to get there and we'll go against him!"

My father nodded helplessly as I regained my smile.

Oh boy, this is war, Rouge Anastia!


After returning to the party, I avoided Rogue at any costs and decided to go find Nijika, who was stealing almost all the cakes from the table.

I placed my hands behind my back and watched her with a smirk, whilst she, despite her strong perceptive skills, did not notice me watching her until she finished one whole tray of small desserts.

"Oh! Ariella! Happy birthday! Look what I've got you here, it's a necklace that is also a magic tool. I hope you like it!" She smiled cheerily, some cream stuck on her lips.

I chuckled, my mood improving as I accepted her gift.

"Thanks Nijika, but I could have a better gift if you quickly ascend to sagehood." I smiled.

"Hehe, what, my little student wants to take some advantages of her teacher once she has enough authority for the royal family to consider my movements?" She whispered, somehow detecting a foul mood in me.

"Of course. That First Prince was checking me out today... Teacher, you must avenge your student!"

Nijika was slightly surprised before her smile faded off her lips.

"Heh! I didn't like that stinky brat and his mother in the first place! Don't worry, Ariella, leave this all to me."

My eyes smiled a little as I thought about Nijika's relationship with the current queen, Ruria.

Ruria had been Nijika's sister-in-law before she married the king, however, once she met the king, it was love at first sight and she pushed Nijika's big brother into the lake to catch the attention of the young king that was nearby.

Thanks to that, Nijika's brother drowned due to his wife continuously pushing his head down underwater and the king, who pitied Ruria looked after her as they grew closer and got married.

Even the son that Ruria had birthed was neglected and almost died if Nijika did not find him in time, but now, Ron was safe and Nijika adopted him.

I then thought about the Second Prince, whose mother was poisoned by the queen whilst she had him.

A pitiful child, grow up without any parental affection, but guess what? Even without the king supporting him, he grew strong enough to threaten Rouge with the throne.

I bid farewells to Nijika and walked off into the private lounge. I plopped myself on the sofa and picked up a cup of tea that was prepared before hand.

Taking a sip, I began to think of the frustrating man that was scanning his eyes up and down my body throughout the party despite me ignoring him.

I slammed my cup down in frustration and kissed my teeth.

A glimmer on the floor caught my eye as I saw a crest that made me smile.

I took it in my hands and clenched it.

I guess I have a sub-mission: ruin Rouge Anastia's life!

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