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I woke up with drool coming from my mouth and I saw a dark blue ceiling. To be accurate it was cloth from the canopy. I turned sleepily to my side to be met with my father's sleeping face.

For a moment, I was struck with confusion, then I plopped up to sit on my bottom and realised that I was on my father's bed.

I looked at my dad and giggled at his handsome sleeping face. His white hair was cut short, but not too short and his pale skin glistened with the little light that peered through the gaps of the curtain.

Poking his face with my little finger, I noticed that he stirred a little and jumped back on the bed and hid my head with the blanket.

I knew that my father was awake and I giggled a little more until he pulled the blanket off me and started to tickle me, making me laugh loudly.

After our little play time, I began to wonder where mother would be, because am I not occupying her space right now? To ease my curiosity, I decided to ask my father, and realised a big secret.

"Daddy, where's mother?" I asked with an innocent face.

"That woman has never slept with me after she went and gave birth to the boys that she loved so much. After I figured what she was doing to you, I never let her come back into my room. She is sleeping in another room with some other man." He said darkly.

The confession only made me freeze and tilt my head.

Say what?

It seems that the couple that was portrayed as loving, harmonious and professional, in the outside, as well as in the novel was actually distant? And, father is even okay with mother cheating on him regularly!

Trying to break the awkward silence and dark moment, I placed my fingers near my lips and asked, "with little bro?"

My father froze and then burst into laughter, ruffling my hair as his warm demeanour returned.

"Yes, my princess is so smart, with your brother. And now if you want, my baby can come and sleep with daddy at any time you want." He chuckled happily.

"Yay!" I squealed, jumping onto my father as he brought me out of the bed and called the maids over to help me prepare myself for the day.


Today, father brought me to his study room after breakfast and I found a small table next to his big one.

"Does my beautiful Ella want to work with daddy today?" He asked, hope glistening in his eyes. I couldn't help but nodded furiously and bounced over to my little chair.

There were little drawing books on the desk and I grabbed one to start doodling, whilst humming a tune. I had already figured out the alphabet whilst sneaking glances to my father's official work, which was similar to the normal alphabet in Earth, but it was just a little more curlier and fancier.

My father's personal guard and messenger just looked over me with amusement as I drew a deformed human being, one big, and the other small, but then I realised a disaster.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I pulled his clothes as he pulled his eyes away from the paper he was reading and looked at me with a smile.

"What should Ella do?" I clapped my hands to my cheeks and put on a shocked expression.

"Hmm? What is it?" He asked, still confused at my antics.

"Daddy's hair is white. So is Ella's. But paper is also white!"

He finally noticed what I was devastated about and his eyes softened. He pat my head and said, "why don't we get different coloured paper then? White will show up in different coloured paper."

He snapped his fingers and looked at Roger, his guard and messenger, Roger just smiled and walked out. He soon came back with a stack of different coloured paper, making me squeal with excitement.

Who told me that this world had advanced this much?! There's actually coloured paper! I love art!

I picked a pastel blue sheet and started drawing again until there was a strong knock on the door. Roger made eye contact with my dad and opened the door respectfully for the person outside, which was nobody other than my uncle, Alan Ignes that was the commander of the second order of royal knights with his son, my cousin, Ted Ignes.

Ted was older than me by five years and he had always been sweet and kind, but the author had to kill him off nice and early to bring about Ariella's hatred for the first order, who had not made it in time to aid the second order in the upcoming war.

Come to think of it, Journey Of The Empress was a magical novel. Does that mean I could use magic?!

I let out a weird laugh, making everyone look at me with worried expressions.

Oops! Cover up, cover up!

"Teddy! You are here!" I did an amazing jump from my seat to beyond my table and charged towards the boy that was taken by surprise and fell down with me on top of him.

"Ella!" My father and uncle simultaneously called out as my dad jumped from his seat and rushed to pick me up, whilst uncle Alan helped Ted up.

"Ella, don't do that again you hear me? It's dangerous!" My father scolded me.

I looked down guilty playing with my fingers and nodded. Before I came here, I was ten and still childish and loved doing things like that. Probably not a good idea.

"I'm sorry daddy." I said, looking extremely guilty which I was. "Sorry Teddy too."

He only smiled and nodded, whilst my dad was checking me for injuries. Then, I ran and dragged Ted to the couch and talked to him about random things. Then it reached the ultimate question.

"Show me magic?!"

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