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Feeling the stares of the people around me, I smiled gently and gracefully when I lifted my head and I was helped up to stand by my father. The elders too returned a smile, much to my relief.

Before anything could start to happen, the doors swung open once again to reveal the king, Rouge, Edmund and Emerald.

They walked in elegantly as they too took their turn to kneel for the elders which led to more gasps and astonished faces, especially due to a person of such high status doing the act.

"Greetings, esteemed elders of the Sacred Land." The four said in sync, as if they were already used to doing such a thing.

Other royalties in the crowd had already seen such a scene many times so they were not as shocked and acted casual whilst sneering at the scene.

They exchanged a few words and also got up soon enough. After Edmund came to my side to hold my hand gently as we smiled in each other's eyes.

My dad glared at Edmund for a bit but he turned his head and said nothing whilst Emerald and Rouge came up to tease us a little, making me blush every now and then.

More guests from other parts of the world poured in as time passed by, including the rest of the group from Anastia, however, some did not show as much respect and acted like all the other nobles.

The Ways came in quietly and sunk into the crowd after giving their greetings and magically, Lisbeth and Johnson found their way to us.

We laughed the night away as some others also approached us and we got acquainted to some noble children of the Sacred Land. They were absolutely beautiful as some were elves with stunning golden or silver hair and others were spirits, bred from the beauty of nature with colourful features, yet unbelievably stunning looks.

I felt more relieved as the party began to end as I couldn't really take the crowd much. It made me feel light headed and sick as the strong smell of some people's perfume wafted into my nostrils.

We were currently at a table where I was sitting down and drinking small sips of water whilst Edmund held my hand, standing behind me and the girls sat down. Rouge and Johnson had went away to get some desserts for the group as the girls began to talk and swoon over the handsome men.

I couldn't help but shake my head and go red with embarrassment when they began to call a cute guy over and started to flirt with him.

The man laughed and played along with them for a bit until he had to go because his friends were calling him, which made a spectacular scene as Lisbeth and Emerald refused to let him go and Edmund had to make them by force before the man could leave whilst chuckling in amusement.

The scene made me laugh a little at the shamelessness of the girls and the easygoing personality of the man.

The pain in my head growing worse, I leaned back on the chair and closed my eyes. I felt the familiar, yet strange influxes but I couldn't grab onto what it was.

The feeling was... yes. Exactly like Nijika's, strong magic. But it's different somehow... When I close my eyes, I can't see that red flame of hers... Instead there is a back mist...

Black mist? Dark magic!!

I sat up abruptly, making the three worried.

"Ella... Are you okay?" Lisbeth asked hesitantly as she watched me close my eyes with my brows creased together. It was painful but I had to find where this presence is coming from.

Northwards... No, from the northeast. It's quick. Are they... Flying?

I stood up as Edmund came round to me to hold my shoulder.

"Ariella? Are you feeling sick?" His worry was leaking into his deep voice as I nodded dazedly.

"Edmund. It's coming." I whispered as he placed his ear need me to hear more clearly. "A black magician..."

"Are you sure?" He asked, looking at me, hid violet eyes glowing.

"Hmm." I nodded. "It's coming."

Clenching my fist, my mana began to fluctuate as eyes began to turn to my direction.

I could see my dad running over from the corner of my eyes, but I focused on the northeast direction alone, waiting as I gathered my mana by my hand.

Edmund by my side also began to overflow with mana, purple lightning gathering in his palm as he began to see the magic body of the incoming black magician with his ability that was able to trace mana.

He held his hand up to the direction of the incoming shadow and a bolt of lightning come from it, impaling the ceiling, and barely missing the magician that had abnormally fast reflexes.

From that move, the people in the hall now understood the reason for our improper use of magic in the Sacred castle. The elders stood up and tried to use their magic to hit the swirling figure but they continuously failed. Other magicians from throughout the world joined in, but failed as well.

The black magician was skilled and he was also fast.

I let out a breath and turned my glowing blue eyes to the man that was dancing in the night sky.

"Imperial Snow Domain."

My voice was the trigger as it echoed in the noisy hall and everybody heard it, looking my direction yet again.

A large magic circle opened up beneath my feet and it covered the entirety of the Sacred Land as snow began to fall and the temperature rose to the point that many ice magicians couldn't help but shiver.

The movements of the magician slowed and he was clearly shivering, frost building up on his covered features.

Raising my palm to meet the man, I could visibly see him chanting a spell, supposedly meant to take me down and destroy the domain, however, I couldn't let him do that, or else my loved ones will get hurt.

I quickly conjured an ice wall up but surprisingly, his spell wasn't an attack spell, but it came from behind and pulled my entire being into my shadow...

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