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Going through all the storylines and plots of the well loved novel in my past life, I compared that society to here, in my present life and figured that it did not match up at all...

Sure the land was the same. Sure the characters were all the same, but some personalities were vastly different and I had also met other people that I was not meant to meet like Nijika.

Maybe, just maybe, this was not the novel at all?! Was it just my silly assumption?

I sighed in frustration but I also smiled.

This means that I'm not bound by the fate of the story and can create my own path with no restrictions at all.

A knock sounded at the door which I replied to and it opened up to reveal Rouge, Edmund and a couple others that seemed our age.

"Woah! The Duke really worked on this carriage!" Rouge came in, admiring my 'bed'.

The group all fit in the carriage and closed the door as I watched them with confusion.

I sat up and put some pillows behind my back to support me. Rouge and Edmund didn't forget to help me, much to my pleasure.

"Yes? Can I help you all?" I asked, looking straight at them. "Some of you can sit here you know, it's cramped on the seats." I said, patting the pillows.

"No, no. You are injured, we can't take your resting space!" One of the two girls declined. She had long pink hair with deep violet eyes and she looked similar to Edmund. I'm guessing she is a relative of his.

"I insist. Please, there is a lot of space here." I smiled.

They then gave up and the two girls came to sit on my pillows whilst the remaining three men sat on the seats comfortably.

"Ariella, are you okay now?" Edmund asked whilst Rogue nodded as they watched me closely.

"Yup! I'm fine now. My body was just a little tired at the time. Trust me, I'm fine." I replied, easing their worries as I saw that they visibly relaxed.

I began to feel my hatred for Rouge's actions diminish as I watched his clumsy self. I guess as a friend he ain't bad, but as a love interest, there is too much lust and superficial yearning.

"Anyways, let's introduce our friends." Rouge started.

"Heya, I'm Emerald Licht, Edmund is my brother." The pink haired and violet eyed girl said with a small cute wave.

"I'm Lisbeth Way, we are all childhood friends as our parents are close."

"I'm Johnson Way, Lisbeth's older brother and as she said, their childhood friend."

"I'm Ariella Ignes. Nice to meet you all." I smiled brightly as they too let out smiles.

We talked about how excited we all were for the trip and I got to know the five much better, making me feel relieved.

I didn't not really make any friends before as I focused on my power, but now that I can't do just that, I guess socialising is not too bad...

Very quickly, it was time for the group to start moving again as many people had finished freshening up. The five began to alight the carriage and leave for their own, but before Edmund could leave, I couldn't help but ask the question that I had been wondering ever since I first saw him at the royal castle.

"Edmund. Do I still have a chance?" I asked, slightly devastated and helpless. Before, I believed that my heroine aura could attract the man I have been chasing after, but now that this may as well not be the novel and the very fact that I am crippled made me begin to waver.

He froze for a moment and then turned to me to see my fearful eyes.

I breathed in relief looking at his deep violet ones, that seemed worried, soft and maybe even a little affection? Even if I am delusional, let me be delusional.

I have grown up from my childish personality from this incident and maybe I have become more pessimistic and docile, however, my mission still stays the same, because I had always adored Edmund from when I first read about him and I also felt something stir in my heart when I first laid my eyes on him.

He stepped back into the carriage and quickly closed the door. Then he leaned towards me and his next action made my eyes widen in shock and bewilderment.

His surprisingly soft lips were placed on mine, as I could clearly see his long eyelashes. He pulled away and smiled, stroking my hair.

"I've been waiting, Ariella. You had already stolen my heart during the day that I met you. I fell for your smile, so please, smile again for me." Edmund's deep and gentle voice rang in my ears as tears began to drop out of my eyes and I nodded, letting out a sincere smile.

He let out a deep chuckle and wiped my tears, putting his forehead against mine as we laughed together.

He withdrew slowly and reluctantly as he told me that he had to go and made sure to tell me to take care and be safe.

I assured him and told him that my father would be with me which made him relax as he kissed me once more on my forehead and left the carriage to go to his own.

I was elated. So happy. The best I have ever been and I had totally needed that after my injury.

Edmund. Edmund. Edmund.

He was my light, and hope, and one and only love.

I touched my lips that still felt his warmth and I couldn't help but grin foolishly.

Even when dad came in, I couldn't hide my happiness.

I guess he was relieved that I wasn't down anymore, but he was also worried that I was too happy and was kind of suspicious.

"Dad... I want to get married..." I said in a daze. My father's face twisted in horror as he shouted back, "WHATT??! NNNOOOO!!! I won't allow it! Which man seduced my daughter?! I shall castrate him!!"

My father began cursing the man that I fell for despite not knowing who it was, but I stayed in my daze.

I would be fine. I would get better. Because...

He is by my side.

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