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Ted froze after hearing me wanting to see magic and glanced at his father before getting a nod and summoning a water ball. It swirled around just like a huge pearl and it was an astonishing sight.

"Woooaaaah! Teach me! Teach Ella too!" I put on my puppy eyes, and clasped my hands together as if I were begging him. Technically, yes, I was begging him, but... You know!

"Okay, Ella just a bit and be sure to use it only if your dad or anyone you trust is with you." Ted held out his pinky finger for me to promise and I nodded enthusiastically. "I know you are excited, but Ella, first, you should get your affinity tested. Uncle should have a testing orb somewhere in the manor."

Chasing after my cousin, my little feet clattered against the marble floor as we headed towards the library. That was where my father kept the testing orb.

Cautiously, yet excitedly, I placed my palm on the smooth, round surface until it emitted a bluish white glow. I hurried to look at Ted with gleaming eyes, telling him to explain to me what was happening.

He chuckled and then pointed above the orb where there was a screen that showed two words: Ice and Snow.

Clearly, those were my elements but it was clear that the snow element was rare, as when Ted saw it, he froze and his smile twitched.

Then, a maid walked by and, fascinated by the gleaming light, she walked in and shrieked in shock at the pair. They just looked at each other and sighed.

"Could this be something bad, dear cousin?" I asked, palm still on the ball but head turned to the side as I looked down.

"Oh, my baby cousin, this will be a problem. I doubt that there is anybody in this kingdom, Anastia or even anywhere else has the ability of 'snow'." He scratched his head.

Hearing the scream, many people gathered and that of course included my mother, brother, uncle and father.

They could all see the elements on the screen and my father's face turned into pride and joy, whereas my mother was not at all pleased.

Not only did I have an element that was unheard of, but I was also a double element user. Her son, Alfie had only one element, which was wind, my mother's element.

"My genius daughter! If you want, daddy can help you practice magic and my friend will also come over and help you unravel the new element. I'm sorry that I couldn't test your magic affinity sooner!" I was swung around in the air by my father and it was clear that he was extremely please which also put me in a good mood.

Very quickly, Alfie and my mother left the scene with displeased faces, making my uncle chuckle in pleasure. I guess he too did not particularly like my mother.

It seemed that my father and uncle had finished their business just in time, so the rest of the afternoon was dedicated in figuring out my training schedule and it was also decided that my father would invite his colleague, one of the royal magician over.

I couldn't help but smile at his decision as the royal magician, Nijika, would become one of the most influential people in Anastia, even capable of challenging the throne according to the novel. Nijika was also a woman, making it quite easy for us to bond.

Over the days, my uncle and Ted stayed over frequently and I also technically moved to my father's bedroom.

Nijika and I had become best buddies and my snow magic progressed and grew as fast as my ice magic. I was deemed a prodigy regarding magic and I was currently a rank two magician despite my young age.

The rankings are from one to twelve, in where rank twelve magicians will be called sages and it is usually hard to progress in each level.

Both Nijika and my dad was rank ten and they were both amazing people in the kingdom. Soon enough, Nijika would achieve sagehood.

Other than magic, I also learnt close combat and swordsmanship due to my curiosity towards martial arts.

Even before I crossed over here, I didn't really like using my brain and preferred to run around crazily. Probably because I am still a kid...

Ted became my sparring partner and everyday was a productive day as I grew stronger as time passed.

Obviously as a lady of a prestigious household, I had to learn the basic knowledge of the kingdom and various other subjects which was almost as if I had been dipped into hell, however I made it and passed my exams alive.

Gosh! My tutors were literally demons!

Oh, had a I not mentioned? Our Ignes house is a Ducal house.

Be amazed or anything, I know you are jealous of my luck.

One thing that I surprisingly took pleasure in was the violin. Yes, there is violins here. Only very few individuals play it as the lessons are extremely expensive, as is the production of the violin, however, luckily, my dad too was a violinist.

Rapidly, seasons changed, years passed and finally, I am at the age where all the drama will start. The age the heroine was when the novel had started.

I am currently fifteen years of age.

Since it is my fifteenth birthday, it is also my debut to society, and thus, I have to hold an extravagant party due to me being a member of the ducal house.

Ah! This is where- this is where it will all start!

My coming to age ceremony will invite both male leads, as well as anybody else who wanted to join my harem and it will also capture their attention.

I brushed my white hair with a grin face, ready to face the war that I had brought myself into due to my immense beauty and grace.

Ah, this is what happens when you are just too popular...

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