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It was still early and bright in the morning when little footsteps could be heard in the hallway. All the students had slept in the school today and they would most likely be released later on this afternoon.

When I got up, the infirmary was deserted so I got up slowly and used my ice magic to create a wheelchair.

Pouring mana into the wheelchair, the wheels began to rotate and move into the direction that my mind had desired.

I didn't know where to go, as I had never stepped foot into Apollo Academy, but I could feel a crowd of people in a certain area, so that's where I planned to go.

Gliding through the empty corridors, I looked around slightly, at the school that I was meant to enrol in, if it had came back from the Sacred Land. Apparently, it has been six years... Six years of my life was wasted and the worst thing was that I did not remember a thing of those six years.

I reached what seemed to be the entrance of the school and I saw streams of people, all my age, older or even younger watching outside expectantly, but none of them passed the large wooden doors where a group of well dressed, young aristocrats stood.

Seeing a bunch of familiar faces, I flicked my forefinger and middle finger together, as my wheelchair floated and crashed down smoothly on the surface of the ground floor.

The crash made many eyes turn my direction as I looked straight at the group of nobles.

Edmund widened his eyes and came rushing towards me as I let out a smile.

"Where were you?" I asked, my voice still shaky due to not using it for quite a long time.

"I'm sorry! I had some business to take care of, because I'm also part of the student council. Come, I'll take you back up to rest." He quickly explained.

I held down his hand that tried to pick me up and shook my head with a soft grin.

"No. I want to stay here for a while. My bones will go all soft, staying in bed for such a long period of time. Please."

"Edmund. Leave her! It's been a while since I've seen her too! You all got to see her yesterday, but I couldn't. So let me take care of her!" Emerald bounced up, hugging me lightly, careful in case I was crushed by her weight.

"Hehehe... Where have you been, Emmy? I haven't seen you in such a long time..." I chuckled, whilst patting her back.

"Geez! You haven't seen anybody in a while!" Emerald pouted, grabbing the handles of my ice wheelchair and pushing it towards the group where Rouge, Lisbeth and Johnson with a few others stood.

"Hey, princess. You decided to wake up again?" Johnson asked, teasingly.

"Of course. I've slept for so long that I feel that if I did anymore, my body would no longer be mine." I high-fived him as we shared a conversation with our eyes. Johnson had always been the smart and composed one so I was glad that he wasn't the one taken from the group.

"Heh! Who is this?" A girl scoffed, her eyes were sharp like daggers and it looked as if I had been her long term enemy. I only could feel confused at the sudden hostility aimed at me.

"Why would you need to know, Elaine?" Edmund returned harshly, his eyes frosting over.

"Nice to meet you, I am Ariella." I held out my hand for a handshake, ignoring Edmund's earlier rude comment.

"What makes you think that you can come and join us, the esteemed student council of Apollo Academy?" She asked, scoffing as if I was an idiot.

My brows creased together as I heard her unnecessarily, mean comment and my smile faded, together with the other four's.

An arm reached out and grabbed the girl called Elaine by the collar and held her up high, her feet dangling in the air.

Screams echoed throughout the room as the students behind stepped farther back from where they were standing, fear, evident in their actions. I watched from the corner of my eye as I saw that some female students were even sniggering in the corner.

"You f*cking b*tch, ever since when has it been your turn to speak?" Edmund had a deep and dark voice, emitting his mana here and there unconsciously.

Obviously I did not step in to defend her this time after she verbally displayed her hostility. I mean, what is the need then?

I saw some parents on the other side, whilst a purple haired woman ran forwards to the door and there was a sinister purple glow by her hand as she charged towards Edmund.

Unable to shake off my uneasy feeling, I flicked my fingers once again and I was accelerating towards the lady, past Edmund and Elaine, bringing up a solid ice shield before me, as it collided with the lady's palm.

What was surprising was the lady's ability to corrode.

It was, poison... Thank God I intervened...

My fist summoned a bright blue glint as I summoned all my power to stand on my two feet and slam my hand across her pretty, little face.

She went flying as expected as I fell to my knees.

"Bad choice, you old hag! How dare you try to touch my Edmund whilst he is defending me?!" I screamed at her, laughing crazily as a pair of large hands picked me up and put me back on my wheelchair.

"That's enough. You look crazy enough now. Didn't you want a good first impression for your mother and sister?" A familiar voice said as he stood before me and began to lecture me as I looked around with bright eyes.

Dad was still lecturing me as I pulled on his sleeve and pointed towards a more beautiful and pregnant Yulian and a little girl clinging on her leg.

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