24th Chapter- All Naomi

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It was on that day that the incident happened, and when the news had been brought to the exorcist's closest friends, they'd all taken the news like a bullet. Though one in particular had taken it as a bullet to the head, because it was her fault and she was well aware.

Naomi had the window open to her room, gazing out of it as the rain poured down like a flood, as if the world itself were crying. A few stray tears slipped down her cheeks. A knock at her door soon ensued and she only barely had enough time to wipe her tears with the sleeve of her exorcist coat before her most frequent visitor stepped in, closing the door ever so softly behind him.

Kanda sat on the edge of Naomi's bed as he struggled to find the right words to say. "So..." he mustered. "How are you doing with...with the bean- with Allen and..you know..."

A clap of thunder rang out after a flash of lightening. Even in the darkness of her room, Kanda was still able to see the small, shiny tear. Naomi's words came out painfully.

"How am I supposed to feel?"


3 Days Prior

Naomi looked over the files in hand as a fellow Finder kept a watch for their stop. The golem Mayakashi was perched on Naomi's shoulder, content with its companion.

"It's been a while," the Finder noted.

"Yes it has," Naomi smiled, looking up. "How've you been Hei?"


"So a distress call from up in the mountains huh?" Naomi questioned.

Hei nodded, confirming what she had said. "About two days back I received a call, apparently a group of Finders carrying an Innocence fragment got trapped up there due to the cold weather."

Naomi looked up at the towering mountains, a grimace present on her face. She pulled her coat tighter around her. "I never was a fan of heights," she muttered. "Let's go then."

A few hours later the two were about halfway up the mountain. The air was already thinning out and becoming chilly. "Do you want to stop here?" Hei asked, noticing Naomi's discomfort.

Naomi nodded. "Yeah. That'd be nice."

They dug a small place in the side of the mountain to stay in for the night, to keep from freezing. Once the fire had been lit, Naomi gingerly removed her coat. Hei relaxed, sitting back.

"How's it been back at the Order?" Hei said, trying to make conversation from the silence, not including the cracklings of the fire.

"As good as it gets I suppose," Naomi replied vaguely, taking out a part of the lunch she had packed, taking proportional bites of her sandwich.

"And that other exorcist? What was his name? Kade? Kandra?"

Naomi stifled a laugh. "Kanda. He's doing well, minus his attitude that is," she smiled.

Hei smiled back, eating the lunch he had packed as well, boxed noodles. Naomi finished her food, wiping her hands off. She informed Hei that she'd go to sleep, wrapping her coat around her like a blanket now.

I need the rest anyways.

Naomi's eyelids felt as though they were being held down by weights and it was all too easy to fall asleep.



The Noah of Judge opened one eye, looking at one of his own, Lulu Bell. She pointed down to a body, clothes bloodied and tattered, breaths barely emanating from him.

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