26th Chapter- The Fall

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*I suggest playing the song after she wakes*

"Hello again, Matthew's lover. It's Naomi, right?" Tyki grinned, his demeanor up.

Naomi's eyes glistened with anger. "Where is he?" she asked sharply. "What did you do?!"

Tyki threw his hands up in surrender. "Me? I did nothing. The question is, what did you do? It's your fault where he is now," he spat.

Before Hei could stop her from being reckless, Naomi was at Tyki in seconds, but now both were hardly apart, Naomi's staff the only distance between them. She attempted to suffocate him with it, but Tyki was attempting to throw it to the side.

"What are you talking about, Mikk? Or was it Milk? You'll tell me where he is or I'll kill you," she swore.

At last, Tyki tossed the staff aside, and gripped Naomi's shoulders, whispering in her ear. "Do you really want to know what became of my brother?"

Meanwhile, Devit's job was to keep Hei away from the conversation that was to take place with Tyki and Naomi. "Hey you," Devit pointed his signature pistol at Hei. "Be useful Finder. Play a game with me."


Naomi remained silent, and her breathing had gone almost incoherent.

"Answer me...Do you want to know what happened to Matthew Tate?" Tyki whispered sternly.

"...yes," Naomi finally responded.

"Even answers come with prices, be mindful of that Kurosu."

"Just tell me!" Naomi hissed.

"He's locked up in a secret room on the Ark, and when you reach the potential to become a Noah, we're going to kill him. And you're going to be the Noah of Deception," Tyki said, as if the idea bothered him more than it did her.

"You'd let that happen to your own brother," Naomi gritted. "People like you...you make me violently ill."

"Perhaps so," Tyki whispered back. "But you still owe me for that information. I want you to run from the Order and never return. I want you to seclude yourself so you'll never hurt anyone ever again."

"Like hell I will."

"There you go again," Tyki said, shoving Naomi into the snow. "Hurting people. Let me show you what happens when you defy my deals. Devit."

Devit turned to look at Tyki. "Yeah?"

Tyki nodded to Hei, who's eyes were concealed by the purple layer from Devit's gun. "Kill him."

Naomi scrambled back up. "Don't you even dare-"

"Dare what? Your weapon is still somewhere in this great snow, and now," Devit held Hei at the edge of the mountain, waiting for Tyki's final order. "Your recklessness will get him killed. You run around hurting people, and every day you spend resisting my deal, the more people will die. The more people you will have hurt." Tyki turned to Devit. "Drop him."

In a few short, heart wrenching seconds, Naomi's feet seemed to run too slow, too short, and Hei fell too fast. No, was the only thought registered, and then a sickening crack.

Tyki grabbed Naomi's staff despite it searing through his gloves and burning his flesh, and slammed it to the back of Naomi's head, rendering her unconscious. "Lets go," Tyki nodded at Devit.


Naomi was back in her mind, but this time it wasn't as unfriendly. She seemed to be stuck standing in one spot as the young child Naomi sat at a piano, playing a depressing song.

"It's for him," the older Naomi, but not the malicious one said, suddenly appearing beside her with crossed arms. "This song. Our friend deserves a proper song for his death. Bury him too, when you come to."

Now it was the malicious one's turn to appear on the other side of Naomi. "You should've just done what Tyki said," grinned the darker side of Naomi. "Leave and never return. We're dangerous, destructive. Just like papa."

Naomi turned to look at her malicious one. "Wait. You know papa?"

"We all do," the one on the other side of Naomi said. "Don't you remember? -----"

A static-like sound filled Naomi's ears, blocking out the name the young exorcist so badly wanted to know. The child stopped playing and turned around to look at Naomi. "Papa's hiding it from her. That's why she can't hear it.."


Cold...cold...cold..cold..cold. Cold. Cold. Cold.

A hand, the only part of Naomi not covered in snow, moved. Why is it...so cold..? So cold.

Her hand moved again, weakly trying to pull herself up. The most she managed to do was shake off the snow burying her alive. Why is it so cold? she thought, shivering violently. Why can't I get up? How long has it been? Days? Weeks? Has Tyki killed more people because of that?

She fell back into unconsciousness, and then awake, and then not. Then, she couldn't even tell. The hallucinations returned.

"Get up," the stern Naomi, but not the malicious one, ordered, kicking at her. "You haven't even buried our friend. He's getting covered in snow, and soon he won't be able to have his proper burial. When Naomi made no response she received a harsher kick. "Up!"

With every ounce of her energy Naomi struggled up, peering over the edge to look at Hei. Barely visible, you could see the outline of his Finder's uniform in the snow. The feeling of tears welling came to Naomi, that is, until the stern one slapped her.

"Not now. Give him his burial, and then you can mourn."

Naomi silently agreed, nodding. After searching around for her staff, she walked down the mountain in silence with all three of her selves following. The smallest, and kindest, of Naomi's went straight to her side, interlocking her tiny fingers with Naomi's.

"Are you sad?" the child asked.

Naomi nodded, looking ahead. "Yes."

"At least human suffers won't follow him anymore," she soothed. Naomi made no response. Finally, they reached where Hei was, and all the Naomi's stayed back as the real one made her way to Hei, her heart filling with false hope that maybe, just maybe he was alive.

Naomi brushed away the snow accumulating on Hei, and then saw the blood beneath him. It was almost dizzying, the reality that no one could survive with that much lost blood from the head. Still, she checked him for a pulse, touching his icy cold skin with her fingers, desperately feeling for something that would tell her Hei wasn't dead. And when she could feel nothing, she nearly collapsed, letting little sobs break her apart.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, as if somehow she could atone for Hei's death with a heartfelt apology. "I didn't think this would happen to you...that I'd get you killed too.."

None of the other Naomi's moved from their distance, letting her have her moment. Letting her cope with death.

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