1 • Of odd welcoming ceremonies

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Campus Elite, was mayhaps one of the most luxurious university's to ever exist in Seoul

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Campus Elite, was mayhaps one of the most luxurious university's to ever exist in Seoul.

The campus was deemed as the third university in line with the top rankings in regards to its size and service. It was known for being home to the most prestigious heirs of the country, that and many other things Jimin didn't want to hear about or wasn't interested in reading about either.

The pink haired grips onto his bag strap tighter as he scans his eyes on the pamphlet given to him at the gate entrance, he didn't have to dwell with the time stamp that was given to him since he arrived atleast an hour earlier than the university's official call time.

As this is his first day in Campus Elite, it was proven to be one of the most exciting and terrifying experiences of his life.

He felt proud to have been a part of the 50 lucky students to recieve a scholarship in the university, since he couldn't really step foot in this Campus even if he sold two of his kidney's for the tuition fee. So when the university announced the list of scholars and in bold black print was his name on the third spot - Park Jimin; he was so utterly suprised.

The blond didn't even get to jump about it in glee as the invitation for the school arrived the day after the announcement, along with a dorm key and an envelope containing 1 million won labeled in gold print as his 'allowance' for the month. Jimin was ready to die on the spot back then.

"Hey kid, Are you with me?" A gruff voice interrupts Jimin's tiny flashback in his head. He closes his gaping mouth and tears his gaze away from the massive glass pane building to look at the entry guard in front of him.

"S-Sorry! I'm new." Jimin stuttered out helplessly, pulling out his I.D. and showing it to the Guard.

"Tap in." The Guard says fondly, laughing lightly at the look of confusion on Jimin's face. "Your I.D. kid, You tap it on the scanner so it can detect you and let you in."

"O-Oh!" Jimin exclaimed eyes wide as he reaches over to place his I.D. on the scanner. It glows green and the metal bar obstructing Jimin's entry snaps up to give him way. "Woah."

"Welcome to Campus Elite, Kid." The guard chuckled out, grabbing Jimin's bag and passing it through an electric scanner as well. It lets out a tiny beep and the man puts two encouraging thumbs up towards the blond's direction. "Good luck!"

Jimin feels a blush creeping in by his embarrassment, he squeaks out a small thanks.

He looks around the half empty entrance halls in awe, it was not that crowded save for a few students hanging around their respective lockers and chattering amongst themselves.

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