10 • Of love and stardust

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Jimin slams his locker shut when he gets his books out, Yoongi's face popping infront of him giving him a jump scare to which he screams at.

Like, outright screams in front of his bestfriends face.

"Jesus Christ, Jimin!" Yoongi complained with a wince, pressing a finger against his ear.

Jimin stops screaming to glare at him.

"You asshole!" He screeched, raising his books and slamming it harshly on Yoongi's shoulder.

The basketball player yelped, dodging another attack swiftly and sticking his tongue out at Jimin.

"Don't do that!" Jimin hissed in accusation, gripping his books to his chest and accepting the banana milk carton handed to him on reflex.

"What do you even want?"

"I carry fresh hot tea, Park Jimin." Yoongi says, plucking the books out of Jimin's hand and grabbing his wrist with his other.

"Wait, Where are you taking me? Min Yoongi! I have lunch with Jungkook and Taehyung!" Jimin prorested loudly in panic, pulling out from his bestfriends hold only to get pulled back in harshly.

"Oh don't worry, Min. We are going to the cafeteria." Jimin stumbles to catch up but he manages to get a tight grip on his bag so it would not slip from his shoulder, silently cursing his bestfriend's athlete legs as they finally enter the cafeteria with the doors loudly opening and closing behind them.

Jimin winces at all the eyes that are suddenly facing in their direction.

"Why are they staring?" Jimin grumbled harshly to his best friend, pulling down the sleeves of his sweater consciously.

"Because of this." Yoongi mumbled, tugging Jimin to his left side. He's suddenly facing a single red rose with a yellow balloon tied to it's stem, next to the flower was a baby blue box and a note on the side.

It read; To Park Jimin, the lettering bold with a heart at the end.

"Oh my God, No..." Jimin gasped out in disbelief, eyes wide as he approached their table and stares at the gifts.

He was too busy staring that he did not notice Jungkook and Taehyung rushing their way to their table.

Jungkook's left eye twitches as he halts his steps with a tray held in his hand full of both his and Jimin's food, Taehyung was following him with a tray of his own full of drinks and utensils and a few side dishes.

He stops abruptly when Jungkook does, almost spilling the drinks. Opening his mouth to complain but he doesn't get to because he sees what the raven haired had stopped for.

"Min." Jungkook called out, the blond whipping his head back in shock.

Despite the gift surprising him to his core nothing will top the affection he felt when he sees the two people he's inlove with standing right infront of him.

"Kookie, Taetae!" Jimin cheered happily, putting his bag down and rushing to the both of them to help.

He gives kisses on both of their cheeks despite Taehyung's frown and Jungkook's stoic expression.

"You got me steak!" Jimin squealed, ushering the both of them to sit down beside him on the bench.

They remain silent but they don't forget to pamper Jimin, Taehyung slides away the gifts with his forearm rather harshly but it's not going to go anywhere so Jimin decides to forget about it for the mean time.

He focuses on telling his yet to be boyfriends about his day. Yoongi sits down infront of them with a silent snort and the others pile up not soon after, Hoseok finding his seat next to Yoongi and Namjoon and Jin sitting beside them with a small greeting and stories of their own.

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