5 • Of erratic heartbeats

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That's what Taehyung felt as he watches Jimin sniffle and hug his pillow to his chest.

He looked small, scared and hurt.

His eyes were puffy and his lashes were wet from the tears, his heart pangs in pain telling him that he can't bear to see Jimin like this.

He needed answers. The both of them did.

"Here, Min." Jungkook calls out, passing over his shirt and a pair of boxers in Jimin's direction.

The latter thanks him and accepts it with a soft smile.

"You can take a shower later if you'd like." Taehyung offered, earning a nod from Jimin. The pink haired looks up at Jungkook who was standing akwardly at the edge of the couch that him and Taehyung were sitting on.

Jimin raises his brow at him and pats the space next to him, Jungkook seems to get the message and sits down.

He doesn't get to calm down for even a second because Jimin's laying his head on his chest and curling carefully against him, as if he was being cautious.

Taehyung did not seem to mind though, If not he felt jealous because Jimin was lying on Jungkook and not on him. 

"So I... bumped into my ex."

Jimin starts, Taehyung's eyebrows raise and Jungkook stiffens.

"Well.. Technically one of them. I have two."

"Two? You mean the previous one and the recent one right?" Taehyung asks in curiosity.

Jimin shakes his head and pulls his legs up to his chest, Jungkook wraps an arm around his waist casually earning not much of a reaction from his boyfriend but rather a fleeting glance with the action.

"One of them. I had two from my previous relationship. It was polyamorous."


Jungkook asks, Furrowing his brows.

"Polyamory." Jimin repeats.

"It's having a relationship with two or more people."

Jimin softly explains, Taehyung's perks up at the newfound information and leans towards Jimin abit.

"That's possible? You had two boyfriends? How did you guys found out? How was it?"

Jimin smiles abit at the questions thrown his way, It was cute.

How Taehyung looked so genuinely intrigued.

Jungkook gives Taehyung that screamed "stop", that kind of worked. Kind of.

"Uh... I was attracted to the both of them, and they were both attracted to each other and to me. So they uh... got together and courted me. Then I guess it worked out in the end, for the most part. Like all things, life got in the way and I felt like I was the only one salvaging our broken bond and I just gave up you know?” Jimin sniffled, hugging the clothes to his chest.

“Two years ago one of them pulled out from our relationship. The two of us remaining came to a mutual agreement to break up. They did not think that the relationship would work. We talked about it, had closure and such before parting ways.” He continued, rubbing the lone tear from his left eye away.

“When I saw him awhile ago I just... I dont know I got triggered. Seeing him all fine, as if nothing happened. The pain in the past all came back." Jimin finished just as the tears start to gather up in his eyes again.

"Do you still... Love him? Them?"

Jungkook asks, this time. Thumb rubbing circles on Jimin's hip in comfort whilst Taehyung makes a move to hold Jimin's hand and intertwining their fingers.

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