9 • Of finalities

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"Or you'll what? Slap me? Do it!" the lass snarled out, folding her arms bravely as she continues to taunt the brunet. "Was he that good of a fuck that you can't let him go? Do you both like him that much? Huh?"

Taehyung finally snaps.

"NO! WE DON'T FUCKING LIKE HIM! I DON'T! OKAY? BECAUSE HE'S MORE THAN JUST A PERSON WE LIKE! I FUCKING LOVE HIM! I'M INLOVE WITH HIM! SO BACK THE FUCK OFF!" Taehyung spat, pushing Eunha away and storming out of the room in annoyance.

Once he exits the room, his eyes widened as he sees Jimin's frame running away and Jungkook 's body tensed up as he watches the man run away.

Taehyung opens his mouth but closes it when Jungkook shoves his jacket on Taehyung's arms.

"Shit. He heard?"

Jungkook nods fervently and says one thing to Taehyung when before he bolts after Jimin.

"He heard the bad parts." Jungkook gasped before sprinting his way to catch Jimin.


Jimin opens his eyes and sighs, His blonde
hair dripping wet as he finally looks down on the ground. He sniffles and thinks momentarily of what to do.

His phone and all his belonging were still inside the School, he could just go back to the dorms and return when the party is over just so he could avoid the two of them but there's not certainty that his stuff won't get stolen or something.

He could just quickly go back in and suck it up?

Although running away really seems like a better option. His thoughts are interrupted when hears fast footsteps approaching, brows creasing together as he looks back to see Jungkook panting.

He looked equally as soaked as him, the raven haired's white shirt damp and sticking against his skin but he doesn't look any less attractive.

Jimin winces at his thoughts, this is not the time to be thinking about that. So he quickly turns back around and opts to run away but a hand on his wrist stops him.

"Wait!" Jungkook heaved out. "Let me catch my breath first. I'll explain."

Jimin hesitates, looking down on the hand on his wrist. He doesn't say anything but he doesn't move either. Jungkook internally fist pumps the air at that.

"What you heard in there.." Jungkook started. "Every bit of it was true."

Jimin's heart drops, his eyes stinging again.

"What?" He whispered brokenly, Jungkook's eyes widen at the waver of his voice and realizes he started out with a horrible phrase.

"That's not how I meant it!"

"H-How could it mean anything else? I get it Jungkook, Thank you." Jimin mumbled, pulling his arm away from Jungkook with a slow shake of his head.

His face morphed into an expression that hurt Jungkook more than it could have ever.

"No! Listen to me!" Jungkook yelled out, pulling Jimin closer to him.

Jimin stumbles and ends up with his face planted on Jungkook's chest and his hands laying limply on the side of his body.

"You only heard half of what Taehyung said and I know it sounds horrible, but it's not." Jungkook explained, he pulls Jimin back by his shoulder and tilts the mans chin up by his thumb and pointer finger.

"I'll continue what he said." Jungkook says wiping of the ruined mascara off of Jimin's under eyes.

He looked beautiful amidst the pouring rain, he would look beautiful anywhere.

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