7 • Of proper closures

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"Jesus, Jimin! You're freezing!"

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"Jesus, Jimin! You're freezing!"

Taemin, his ex, mind you; had gasped out, immediately putting his shopping bags down and taking off his jacket.

He places it on Jimin's shoulder, the pink haired almost blurting out that Taemin still used his old scented cologne and Jimin was currently drowning in it.

"What are you doing here all soaked like that?"

"I had to find shade from the rain."

Jimin whispers, teeth chattering lightly from the cold. Taemin frowns, picking his shopping bag up and swiftly grabbing onto Jimin's hips.

"Explain later. First things first, let's get you some new clothes and then let's eat somewhere warm. We can't risk you getting sick." Jimin nods, swallowing the bitter aftertaste on his touge.

He forgot how sweet Taemin was.


"Min-hyung? Isn't this too much?" Jimin calls out wearily, tugging down the sleeves of the sweater and biting his lips.

He looked great in the clothes sure, but for all he knew Taemin dragged him to some designer shop and he probably can't afford any of the garments on his skin right now.

"Can I see?" Taemin calls out from outside the fitting room.

Jimin gives himself another once over and releases a tentative sigh, running his hand through his hair consciously a few times before deeming himself done and walking out of the room with his breath held in. The latter looks him up and down and nods, seemingly satisfied.

"I had someone get you a pair of sneakers in your size. You're still an 8?"

Jimin shyly nods his head, he opens his mouth to protest but Taemin rushes ahead of him.

"I'll pay, Minie. It's alright, I want to. You don't have to do anything in return, Just let me do this for you. It's the least I can do after..." he trailed off, his face turning sour.

Jimin sighs.

"Taeminie, I told you. What your parent's said to me doesn't matter. It's alright you don't have to feel sorry."

Taemin frowns in guilt, remembering the day of their confrontation.

"But they said such vile things. I can't--I don't want to live knowing you feel like any of the words they called you."

"Like what, Taemin? A Faggot?"

Taemin winces at the Jimin's bitter tone.


"I told you, Don't say sorry."

Jimin mumbled in frustration, sure it hurt him but none of them wanted things to end that way.

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